Vote No on Prop. 134

Re: the Sept. 14 article “Prop 134: Ensuring every Arizonan has a voice.”

Chad Smith of the Arizona Farm Bureau seeks support for Prop 134, to require that signature gatherers for citizen petitions obtain 10% (for statutes) or 15% (for constitutional amendments) of the number of votes cast in the last gubernatorial election, not on a statewide basis (the current law) but in every county. Why would the Farm Bureau, the Goldwater Institute, the Arizona Free Enterprise Club and the Republican legislature wish to make citizen petitions so much harder to get on the ballot? Not, as Smith claims, “to ensure that every Arizonan has a voice.” We have that, precisely when the question gets on the ballot.

Rather, to the contrary, Prop 134 is in fact the bar to even getting any voter-initiated questions on that ballot. It is plainly and squarely anti-democratic, by making voter participation more difficult, not less. Vote no on Prop 134.

Regula Case


U of A Football red tutus

As a UA grad (78-81), we students voted on the Block A to replace the previous script Arizona football helmets. It has stood the test of time since then, through good and bad … until Sep. 13, 2024. I think we can all agree that the script CATS on the red fingernail paint helmets complemented by the red tutu tights did not inspire fear into the K-State Wildcats … and the UA play was quite evident that it inspired no confidence there either. Old UA alum have a saying “wear red, we’re dead” and it was proved again Friday night (check the history wearing red). Oh, and Coach Brenda, can you lose the Lei/Ula Fala and just focus on UA men’s football for a few games? It would be appreciated and maybe you can break them out again if you get to a bowl game. Asking for a friend.

Jim Russell


Baby Trump

Behavior, outward appearance, public comments, these are very important things to consider about a prospective president of the USA. Have you ever heard a president or candidate for the presidency lambast a person for not endorsing or agreeing with them? Trump has done this to more than one person. How can anyone think a man with no self-control or a modicum of decency be able to run our country? He will first love someone and then after that person says something he does not agree with, publicly ostracize them. To coin a phrase I read, “Is this hot/cold yes right now / no tomorrow mentality really what We the People need or want to lead us”?

Hal Brown

East side

American history

Arizona was the only territory that took more than 20 years to become a state because it was the embodiment of the demands of the Granger/Progressive movements of the late 1800s. According to the U.S. government at the time, Arizona was an ungovernable territory that had to be ruled by a territorial governor who was the equivalent of the governors installed by the English king to quell colonial discontent. Why? Because settlers in Arizona demanded that governing laws included the initiative, referendum and recall. Now election deniers and those who want to limit Arizonans’ rights and freedoms are seeking to end the very substance of what made Arizona. It’s true that Americans ignore history. This time what Arizonans may ignore may be to our peril.

Barbara Benjamin


Car death of child preventable

Re: the Sept. 15 article “Dad’s behavior preceded girl’s death.”

I was appalled to read the article about the dad in Marana who is being charged with murder in the death of his child in a hot car. I was even more appalled to read of his ongoing behavior around the children over the past several years and the fact that his wife, who is a physician, allowed it to happen. And Children’s Services also dropped the ball. This was 100% preventable. Hopefully justice will prevail and the family will get the help they desperately need.

Sylvia Wavrin

Green Valley

HAWK Lights

It seems as though every time I drive around Tucson I see at least five vehicles run flashing red lights at HAWK crossings without stopping. I can only think of three reasons for this.

1. The driver did not see the light. He either did not see it with sun in his eyes or was driving distracted-bad.

2. He does not know that flashing red means to STOP then continue when safe. Not knowing our traffic laws are worse.

3. See the light, know the law but continue anyway. These selfish drivers should not be on the road.

Thomas Wenzel

East side

Parental involvement

Re: the Sept. 15 letter “Catalina Foothills School District Board.”

As a CFSD resident and parent of three children who were educated in CFSD schools for the past 17 years, I agree with the letter writer stating the importance of having parental representation on the CFSD school board. Perhaps the author is unaware that the two candidates he endorses both have school age children that they choose to send to charter and private schools rather than enrolling them in the district for which they claim to care. The candidates who have chosen to educate their kids in CFSD and who know our school communities well are Jacquelyn Davoli, Tom Logue, and Eileen Jackson. These parents have dedicated hundreds of hours volunteering in various capacities and have a vested interest in the success of the entire CFSD community — including students, parents, educators, and residents. If you believe board members should represent parents who have a stake in their children’s education, then I encourage you to join me in voting for Davoli, Logue and Jackson for CFSD Governing Board.

Chris Lopez


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, speaks during a Wednesday campaign event in Uniondale, N.Y.

Inflammatory rhetoric

After a second attempt on President Trump’s life, it’s time to stop the hyper-inflammatory rhetoric. This man was President for four years. You may not have liked his policies, but he did not “destroy the Constitution”, sign “a national abortion ban” or collude with Russia. He does not support Project 2025 and didn’t side with white nationalists in Charlottesville. The left keeps spouting these falsehoods in ads and in this paper.

There are plenty of unhinged weirdos listening to these “threats” who are more than willing to take matters into their own hands. It’s time to stop. The negative campaigning is over the top.

The Daily Star’s leftist bias is evidenced every day. The few bones you throw periodically to those on the other side are appreciated but are too few. We are a divided country and civility needs to return before someone gets killed.

Deborah Nelson


Catalina Foothills school board candidates

I live in Catalina Foothills. I’ve been concerned with the approach that I’ve been reading about with school systems in Arizona and across the country. The things I’ve read and listened to on various programs astonish me. This is not the elementary, middle and high school that I experienced in the ‘60s and ‘70s. What happened? My retired teacher friend saw this coming in the ‘90s.

So, I’ve reviewed the Catalina Foothills candidates. I now believe that we need new blood on the board. I’ve reviewed the websites of the candidates, and I’ve determined that Bart Pemberton and Jennifer Repscher will be the candidates that support parents.

Bart is a respected eye doctor and Jennifer is a respected Realtor. Both are endorsed by Mr. Tom Horne, Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction.

I found a quote on Bart’s website which I found important. It alludes to transparency among the district leadership, students, teachers and the parents.

Melanie Clark


Blame Trump Derangement Syndrome

Donald Trump blames Biden and Harris for inciting the deranged folk that are trying to shoot him. You see folks that are already angry are simply primed for conflict. The years of suppressed hostility for feeling like the system is rigged has made them full of spite and blood lust. Trump used this to get followers, but folks like this are fickle and now one has turned on him. His blatant disregard for other people’s need’s will sooner or later leave them wanting revenge. In short: His incitation of fighting and shows of defiance simply serve to inflame these deranged souls. I fear this won’t be the last attempt on his life, but let’s be clear: He’s the source of the Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Dan Pendergrass

West side

Why I’m voting Scott for County Supervisor

We live in polarizing times that sometimes seem like sound bites, political signs and extreme rhetoric are the norm. I just wanted to share my impressions of Rex Scott. I first met Rex when we worked as administrators in Marana Unified Schools. He was a leader who always put his students and teachers at the forefront of all decisions he made as a principal. Rex was thoughtful and gave intelligent feedback during leadership meetings. He is a man of integrity and made a positive impact on Marana students. As I have followed his path after he was elected as Pima County Supervisor, I see these same traits displayed. He is a person who wants to serve the Pima County community and make a positive impact.

Give me a man like Rex Scott to represent the people of Pima County, who will listen and make decisions with the interests of Pima County citizens. Please join me in supporting Rex Scott’s re-election as Pima County Supervisor.

John Jones

Northwest side

Democrats are not stupid

I was slightly amused by the “Democrats for Trump/Vance” signs popping up around town. My initial response was, “Now that is an oxymoron, if I ever saw one.” Anyone with even a little bit of familiarity with the Trump/Vance Project 2025 can see that this agenda is in total contradiction to values Democrats hold. Looking closer at the small print on the sign I saw: “Paid for by concerned citizens for a Safe America with no political affiliation.” No political affiliation? Huh? What? Doesn’t the sign say “Democrats for Trump/Vance?” Democrats are not stupid. We know that there are no Democrats for Trump/Vance and we know what the words “no political affiliation” mean.

Lori Cinnamond


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