I have lived in Tucson for over 50 years. After reading Dr. Heintz and his opinion on the lack of hospital beds available, this may be true. But over many years, Tucson has always had a lack of hospital beds available in the winter time. This may be due in part because of winter visitors, elderly people getting ill, etc. I wish he had been more specific regarding who is filling these beds. The number of corona virus patients is very small in comparison to the total beds available. He might be open to the thought that placing fear in the public is not in anyone's best interest. This fear producing information from him and the majority of the health care professionals is iffy at best. Have spent alot of time researching the actual FACTS. Every day the public receives information from a myriad of sources, many of which are contradictory. Please, everyone, try to get your FACTS to agree and not just theorize. The public will believe anything .
Lori Gulotta
East side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.