Ciscomani on protecting women and children

From Juan Ciscomani’s Website under β€œProtecting Women & Children” with translations

β€œI’m pro-Life”: translation β€” I’m against abortion. β€œI trust women”: translation – I trust women except to make decisions about their own bodies. β€œI’m against a federal ban”: translation – It’s easier to ban abortions at the state level. β€œI’m for timetables”: translation – Keep the timetable so short the woman may not even know she’s pregnant. β€œIn Congress, I support policies”: translation – Well maybe I do want a federal ban. β€œrespect women”: translation – Again, except to make their own decisions and β€œprotect new life”: translation – Forget timetables; life begins at conception so no abortions at any time.

Polls show that over half the voting population supports abortion rights. Do we really want this man to continue misrepresenting over half the population? It’s not hard to decide.

Alan Brown

East side

UA coach Brent Brennan, right, with former Boise State and Washington coach Chris Petersen on Aug. 12, must make sure the Wildcats don’t regress to the level they were at before last year’s breakout season.

Coaches are the marketing dept.

Re: the Aug. 24 article β€˜Bear Down? More of a fan engagement letdown.’

Someone needs to inform Coach Brent Brennan in Tucson, coaches are their own marketing department. I agree with Sportswriter Michael Lev that Brennan has ignored the general population in promoting Arizona football. I forgot we had a team until I read this column. They’ve been invisible. I guess if you’re a Make-A-Wish kid or homeless, you may have seen a player or two. But how about Joe Public that struggles to buy a few tickets to a game maybe getting a free β€œfan” event or made to feel as part of the program. Coach says it’s not his job but for the experts with Marketing PhDs to reach out to fans.

Coach β€” you don’t need any degree to market yourself by being out there. Where’s the Athletic Director? She’s gone invisible too! Another bad Robbins hire? People exiting the athletic department in huge numbers? If you win Coach, we’ll come. If you lose, we’ll come if you ask us!

Matt Welch

Northeast side

Price gouging

Bidenomics, as John Bueler calls it, has caused price gouging. He goes on to say that it’s because the Biden administration has reduced energy production by limiting fracking. The fact is that a war in Ukraine is what has resulted in fuel prices going up, not Bidenomics. Bidenomics has brought more than $4.2B dollars into the Arizona economy. Is that price gouging? Or is it an administration that cares for all rather than just a few. John, show me the amount of support that No. 45 brought to the Arizona economy other than the tax cut for his friends?

John Bingham

Northwest side

Vote with confidence

Re: the Aug. 26 article β€œIn AZ, election certification is a no-brainer.”

I was happy to read Don Henninger’s article on the security of elections in Arizona. I am a poll worker and can testify to the rigor and sound ethics of the process. We election workers arrive at our polling places at 5 a.m. and stay until 11 or 12 p.m. We bring coolers with breakfast, lunch and dinner. We bring thermoses of coffee. Half of us are Democrats and half Republicans, working together with humor, friendliness, and respect. Election observers visit, sit and chat with us, and sometimes knit. At my polling place, the ballots I gave out were predominately Republican, but all citizens were kind and appreciative, with many thanks. Our leader Tom has been supervising elections for over 30 years, and he shows up with his little dog, who walks among us and provides wags and smiles. The idea that anyone is cheating is ludicrous and insulting.

Cheryl Lockhart



Re: the Aug. 25 letter β€œDisrespect.”

In a letter to the editor, the writer wonders why it is customary to refer to women of stature by first name while surnames are used for men. It is one remnant of thousands of years of religious- and secular-promoted patriarchy that has been detrimental to all. The heroic struggle of women for equality of rights and equal treatment is an effort to right this egregious wrong that continues today. You can help β€” read, learn, think, act!

Bob Bauman

Northwest side

The price of freedom

Americans fought two world wars to make the world safe for democracy. My life story is a testament to the courage and sacrifices they made.

As a young officer, my grandfather served in the American Expeditionary Force in northern France during WWI; years later, he barely escaped being gunned down in Pearl Harbor as he ran to his duty station at the start of WWII. My father also survived that attack and the sinking of his ship in the South Pacific a year later.

Over 21 million Americans fought during the two wars with casualties totaling 1.4 million. They knew the price of freedom and they paid it in full.

This election is personal for me, and it’s personal for you whether you acknowledge it or not. If you value the rights and protections under the law that you enjoy today, you must elect Kamala Harris to preserve them.

Millions of Americans risked their lives to save democracy. All you have to do is vote.

Dr. JB Marshall

Oro Valley

ACC candidate debate

Re: the Aug. 24 article β€œACC elections are important β€” please vote responsibly.”

Given the widespread community interest in our public utilities and our climate, I much appreciate the Arizona Daily Star’s coverage of these topics, including the Guest Opinion by Greg Falk.

The race for the three open seats on the Arizona Corporation Commission is indeed very important. You can learn more about all six candidates running for these three positions by watching their Arizona Clean Elections Commission debate next Tuesday, Sept. 3 at 6 p.m. Information about how to watch the debate will be posted on the Clean Elections website this Friday. Questions for candidates can be submitted online at that website. The debate will also be streamed Sept. 4,on AZ PBS (

Watch the debate to learn more about the candidates and vote accordingly for those who share your climate concerns.

Mark Peterson, MD


Trump disrespects military again

Earlier this month, Trump stated that the Presidential Medal of Freedom was β€œMuch Better” than the Medal of Honor.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is awarded at the discretion of the President. In this case, to Miriam Adelson whose only distinction was as a major contributor to Trump’s campaign.

In contrast, the Medal of Honor is awarded only to β€œmembers of the United States Armed Forces who distinguish themselves through conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty.”

To state that the Presidential Medal of Freedom is on the same level or even β€œmuch better” than the Medal of Honor proves (again) Trump’s appalling disrespect for the United States Military and the Medal of Honor recipients.

This isn’t the first time he has shown disrespect. Past and current military members should remember this when completing their ballots this fall.

Mary Keerins


Advertising rascality

Political ads play on either the advertiser’s ignorance, or the recipient’s ignorance. I’d like to believe they understand what they proclaim. This may be giving too much credit to the ad folks. Examples: 1. β€œBorder Czar”. No one was tasked with this position. Biden’s VP was to identify the root cause of immigration; which she did; not build a border wall. Wall construction, and other wanted things, was in the bipartisan bill Trump told his flunkies to reject. 2. Harris had three-plus years to β€œfix” a problem. Advertiser’s here display their constitutional and historical ignorance. VPs have no function other than replace the President and chair the Senate. Theodore Roosevelt became VP to β€œget him out of the picture”. When McKinley was killed, Roosevelt became president. Didn’t work out as planned. (Think of JD Vance!) Learn our history. Find the truth! Vote smart! Let’s pray it is not the last time.

Spencer Elliott

Oro Valley

Remember, elections matter

If Republicans win in November, they will follow Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 proposals by replacing the heads of federal agencies with patronage appointments and firing expert and experienced employees. Instead of research, preventative preparation and well-considered regulation, disasters will be handled by inexperienced people who may have other loyalties then the safety and best interests of the public.

Remember the suffering of Hurricane Katrina? The final verdict was FEMA was unprepared, slow to respond and unable to coordinate the relief effort. The head of FEMA, a friend of President Bush’s campaign manager, was not experienced in managing disaster preparedness. Over 1,000 died.

Remember the COVID-19 epidemic; the 2008 crash, Thalidomide babies; the Deepwater Horizon oil spill; the Ohio Norfolk Southern train derailment; or the Silent Spring. These events required scientists and talented bureaucrats to mitigate; followed by reflection and regulation to prevent further occurrence.

Be afraid of what will happen if Project 2025 becomes national policy. Be very afraid and vote accordingly.

Dee Maitland


Trump’s self-pity

Donald Trump is showing signs that he will pull out of the debate Sept. 10 on ABC. If he does decide not to attend, it will be obvious that he knows he can’t win a debate against a well-educated experienced politician like Kamala Harris. She has the ability to fact-check him on his constant lying and clearly state her own agenda. Trump will try to use the same old excuse that he will be treated unfairly. I for one am feed up with his self-pity.

Rick Rogers

Northeast side

Romero and raising tax

Re: the Aug. 25 article β€œWe must plan ahead of $27M drop in state-shared revenue.”

In her opinion piece, Mayor Romero sees a regressive sales taxes as the solution to the city’s budget problem. It was her go-to in 2022 when she had no other solution for our streets, so she pushed a sales tax. Now she’s asking us to up the sales tax to a total of 9.2%. These taxes hurt small businesses as consumers buy less or buy outside the city limits, and they hurt the poor who are least able to travel or bear the extra cost. Romero is not a progressive politician looking to protect the poorest of us all. Instead, on a $2.3 billion budget, her solution to a 1.2% shortfall is to increase taxes. Instead of finding the $27 million through reducing spending or spurring economic development, she tells us it’s too much to overcome, and we need more regressive taxation. I will vote β€œno” on adding another burden to those least able to afford it.

Cheryl Kohout

East side

Price gouging vs. price controls

Candidate Harris hasn’t said anything about β€œprice controls” but she vows to go after corporations β€” especially supermarket giantsβ€”who have raised their prices and their profits inordinately since COVID and the resulting supply chain disruptions. Look at the balance sheets to see who they are!

One writer blames the inflation on the Biden push for clean energy and the spending programs for infrastructure and people reeling from the job losses during COVID, programs that successfully addressed an economy spiraling into severe recession. Concurrently, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates to rein in the inflation caused by supply chain disruptions and price risesβ€”sometimes gougingβ€”by large corporations. The combination has achieved a balance that has given us a β€œsoft landing.”

Do people who think things were better under Trump even remember COVID? Or Trump’s tax cuts for the rich that gave the corporations the cash to spur inflation?

Suzanne Ferguson

Southeast side


Re: the Aug. 26 letter β€œHope, joy, and love for Gaza?”

After weeks of ignoring the most blatant extermination of a largely innocent people since World War II, your decision to publish the letter writer’s commendable letter to the editor was worth waiting for.

My prediction: if Harris wins in November, she will unfortunately continue Biden’s controversial policy of β€œironclad” support of Israel with most sophisticated war matΓ©riel, while bemoaning the β€œexcessive” casualties it causes. With her activist First Gentleman as her adviser, she may even exceed Trump’s legendary generosity vis-a-vis his friend Bibi and add an extra bonus of two thousand pound bombs to the package.

The Gaza massacre will not end until autocrats Netanyahu, Ben-Qvir and Smotrich are replaced by reasonable democratic politicians. And Hamas will not be defeated until the Palestinian people are allowed to enjoy self-determination in their own independent state. A dream, the realization of which we, and probably our descendants, may have to wait for a long time.

Frederick Leinfest

Oro Valley

Jeff Koterba cartoon

Re: the Aug. 27 editorial cartoon by Jeff Koterba

THANK YOU, Jeff Koterba, for your cartoon in the paper! I hope it caught the eye of every reader! May it be the start of a new wave of empathy for those with β€œsecret powers.”

Miriam Pattison


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