Climate deniers

Submitted July 19

The article regarding Arizona Republicans rejecting the scientific consensus of manmade climate change was depressing but expected. I find their ignorance appalling! They have no respect for scientific inquiry or understanding of the β€œscientific method”, a process utilized since the 17th century consisting of systematic observation, measurement, experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses. While these elected officials are in a position of power and could influence the future of the planet, we who are proficient at reading and writing find it difficult to respect such benightedness. While preparing initiatives for extreme heat on July 2, President Biden said, β€œEveryone who willfully denies the impacts of climate change is condemning the American people to a dangerous future and either is really, really dumb or has some other motive.” I strongly suspect the former.

Edward Espinoza

Southwest side


In the Divided States of America immigration is NOT the No. 1 problem in this country, as the right wing pushes the media to tell you. The No. 1 problem is a malignant narcissist, leading a corrupted right-wing political party, with help from an Australian’s phony β€œNews” organization, dividing our people and country. They practice the most elemental art of war: Divide and conquer. I packaged international news for 20 years and resent phony news services and the repetition of proven lies.

Pepper Ranieri Provenzano

Northeast side

Congressman Juan Ciscomani is calling for a federal investigation of a Pima County migrant shelter after a conflict of interest controversy over a no-bid contract funded with federal funds resulted in the recent resignation of two top managers.

Ciscomani is not what he seems

Re: the Aug. 23 article β€œCiscomani, Patriot Academy pose risks for Sixth District.”

Thanks to Jeri Hird Dutcher, for her opinion β€” based on facts easily researched β€” β€œCiscomani, Patriot Academy pose risks for Sixth District.” I add: to the nation!

The β€œacademy” is NOT β€œpatriotic” or American! Ciscomani is trained for foisting totalitarian beliefs on us, if he can. Think: Trump in office?

Kirsten Engel lost to Ciscomani, in 2022, by 2% of the vote. Outside money β€” $65 million β€” was spent in ads against her. She had $265,000. Who were Ciscomani’s big funders?

Engel is far more qualified and pertinent today for office than Ciscomani. A UA professor, teaching environmental law and legislative analysis, Engel also practiced law with state and federal agencies. We need her representing AZ, guarding us against climate change. Mom and wife, she’s devoted to health and quality education for our children. Her parents, a teacher and theologian, framed her principles. She is kind, intelligent and savvy! She will represent us ALL with integrity, something the once-Republican Party has forgotten. Vote Kirsten Engel. She is real.

Nancy Jacques

Northeast side

Shameful Ciscomani

Re: the Aug. 23 article β€œCiscomani wants probe of Tucson migrant shelter.”

I am repulsed by the fraud of Juan Ciscomani. He is now picking on Casa Alitas. Yes, an error was made, which was recognized, self-reported and dealt with. So much for his TRUMPeting his family’s immigrating to pursue the American dream, slamming the door behind him on those fleeing horrible circumstances, which he does know about. Still, he wants to find any dirt he can to harm those people and the remarkable, caring community volunteers, who abide by gospel and other religious teachings, rather than just mouthing them. All this to manipulate a story and gather a few mean-spirited votes. Juan, if you want to find dirt, you really don’t have far to look, do you. Go clean up your own house/party.

Mark Homan


Truth is not important to some

Re: the Aug. 23 letter β€œTim Walz (poor choice).”

First, the law to place menstruation products in Minnesota school bathrooms was not something Gov. Walz did. The law was passed by the Minnesota legislature.

Gov. Walz did sign the law, but the law does not mandate placement in boys’ bathrooms. The poor wording (in my estimation) of the bill requires free menstrual supplies for any person who menstruates.

I guess a person who identified as male, but who was born female might require such products, so maybe they might end up in boys’ bathrooms. But that’s a lot different than it’s being β€œrequired.”

The writer of this letter would have needed about five minutes to verify what I’ve written. But with the Regressive Party’s march back to the β€˜50s, truth is most often mangled, taken out of context and turned into lies for political purposes. Personal opinion is all that counts. Truth is no longer important to too many Americans.

Jim Rapp

Southeast side

No sign of signs

Given all the political rhetoric about our β€œdeclining” nation, here are a few observations from a recent 4000+ mile drive to and from Washington state:

No evidence of a failed state.

I never felt threatened or unsafe.

A diverse population of people were out and about, working and having fun.

Most people were friendly and helpful.

Highways were packed with commercial truck traffic.

Lots of road and building projects, large and small.

Not one Trump roadside sign or flag. There was one Nikki Haley sign on a trailer in a field but nothing for Trump. Make of it what you will, but on previous trips through Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and California, there were many obvious large signs and flags for the former guy.

Victimhood, felonies and related convictions too much? Who knows. Just an observation. Of course, this doesn’t discount any imperfections in our great country.

Bruce Kaplan

Northwest side

Ciscomani and Catholic Social Services

Re: the Aug. 23 article β€œCiscomani wants probe of Tucson migrant shelter.”

Republican Congressman Ciscomani has asked for an investigation of Catholic Social Services’ mistaken spending on laundry for a large in-need population of immigrants who have been housed in cooperation with the United States Immigration Service.

I do not recall him ever showing interest in the $100-200 million boondoggle his former boss Gov. Ducey initiated with no competitive contracts for box cars he placed at the border, illegally. This publicity stunt was reported to have cost Arizona taxpayers $100,000,000.

Removing the box cars also cost Arizona taxpayers millions. Congressman Ciscomani, where is your outrage?

Barry Kirschner


Military presidents

Re: the Aug. 23 letter β€œAttack ads only work if you let them.”

The letter writer’s dishonest assertion that President Trump is β€œthe only president in U.S. history without prior military experience” is patently absurd!

Fifteen of the 46 presidents never served in the military, including such military standouts as Obama, Clinton and Biden, also both Adamses, Cleveland and Hoover. Others tend to be Democrats like Roosevelt and Wilson (both warmongers).

The founders did not want a military government. To somehow suggest that Tampon Tim is more qualified than Donald Trump, who was, in fact, Commander in Chief for four years, is pure nonsense.

Check your facts next time!

John A. Evans

Southeast side

MAGAs and Election 2024

As stated in a Letter to the Editor on Aug. 26, I, too, wish the MAGAs could get over it! They keep repeating the same old things in their letters as if they were following a script. It appears to me that they are grudge holders as is their leader and candidate for the presidency in November. Too many grudges might fill their minds so much that their red hats could no longer fit on their heads. I know that is impossible, but …

Do MAGAs not see that their leader is only out for himself, not them, and certainly not for our country? He is a ME and not US.

Toni Kane

Oro Valley

Lies revisited

Among the current series of attack ads that MAGA is running is one that repeatedly accuses Kamala Harris of lying about all sorts of things … unequivocally calling her a liar. Independent, non-partisan fact checkers recorded 30,547 lies that Trump told during the four years of his presidency, an average of 21 lies per day. His propensity for lying hasn’t abated since then!

I think Harris has a very long way to go to catch up with the notorious aged perjurer. It’s unlikely she could, even if she wanted to!

Scott Lukomski

Northeast side

Another mountain lion sighting

One morning last September between 8 and 9 a.m. I was walking along the pathway on the south side of the Rillito between Mountain and First Avenues. An adult mountain lion was stretched out at the top of the steep bank, looking right at me. I stopped, perhaps ten feet from the critter, and we just remained looking at one another for perhaps 30 seconds. Then a runner came along, shoes slapping the asphalt, and the cat stood, turned and trotted off down the incline to the riverbed where it disappeared into the foliage. Never did the cat appear at all threatening. I looked online to confirm my tentative identification and this cat was clearly a mountain lion. A few days later I thought to call Game and Fish to report the encounter. The DFG person asked questions that enabled her to confirm my identification. Walking frequently along the same path, I never again caught a glimpse of the cat.

Frank Bergen

North side

Such disrespect

Despite being a lifelong liberal Democrat, I have much respect for conservatives’ beliefs and values. Mine may be different, but that is what is great about our country, we can live our own lives and vote our own preferences. I am very proud that my father fought for those freedoms in both World Wars and is honorably buried at Arlington National Cemetery on a beautiful hillside overlooking our nation’s capital city. This week’s stunt by Donald Trump, a man who has belittled our veterans on multiple occasions, showing up near my father’s final resting place with his own photographer, despite the regulation prohibiting that, for purely political purposes, made my heart ache. I look at those folks who continue to support this man, whose disrespect for a value as profound as honoring veterans like my father, and wonder, why? I just don’t get it.

Mark Hanna


Meritless lawsuits

Re: the Aug. 29 article β€œNew shield to some who file meritless political claims.”

This is an atrocity. The Supreme Court claims the purpose is to protect the right to bring highly questionable lawsuits because it might stifle those who want to raise concerns. What about the rights of those who are being sued for doing absolutely nothing wrong? Is it proper to force them to pay large amounts to defend themselves against meritless suits? It sounds to me like this is an invitation to those who can afford it to engage in legalized extortion β€” β€œeither do what I want or I will sue you and force you to pay legal fees you can’t afford.” The right to recover costs for defending against an irresponsible lawsuit exists for a reason. The supreme court apparently has decided to ignore this and declare open season on responsible citizens.

Wesley Green

Green Valley

TEP & ACC need to walk their talk

β€œThe cost of providing safe, reliable service is increasing rapidly as inflation exacerbates the impacts of supply chain challenges, regional energy capacity constraints and more extreme weather,” said Susan Gray, TEP’s President and CEO.” (TEP Website)

TEP knows that its greenhouse gas emissions are a major cause for extreme weather events yet continue to generate 87% of their sales using coal and natural gas.

Per TEP SEC 10K report natural gas and coal fuel costs are 3 to 5.3 cents per kilowatt-hour(kWh), abundant AZ Sunshine fuel is Free.

TEP has established fixed cost solar for less than their cost of natural gas fuel (Utility Dive 5/23/170: Tucson Electric Power has signed a power purchase agreement for a solar-plus-storage system at β€œan all-in cost significantly less than $0.045/kWh over 20 years”).

With Arizona Corporation Commission leadership, reducing total costs while improving reliability is doable. Elect Commissioners that will deliver tangible benefits, not just more hot air, extreme weather events.

Terry Finefrock


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