Exodus 32 redux

Watching the Republican Convention and the adulation of the Christian Nationalists reminded me of Exodus 32. God allowed a faithless leader to get the people to worship a false god. The result was first a plague and a short time later baring a whole generation from entering the Promised Land because of a continued lack of faith. While I have prayed and believed that God would protect America, sadly I now see that God may be allowing a 21st century repeat of Exodus. A faithless leader led the country for four years which ended in a plague. Now that faithless leader, who has broken all of the Ten Commandments, is poised to lead those who claim to be believers in the destruction of the American ideal of equal justice under the law. While I pray God will not allow this, I wonder how many generations will have to wander in the desert before they can see a land of equal justice under the law if this faithless leader succeeds.

Jerad Morris


Clean and renewable energy

Living in Tucson, I’ve always appreciated our state’s natural beauty and community spirit. However, the increasing energy costs and environmental challenges highlight the need for a sustainable approach. Renewable energy is the key to a prosperous future for Arizona.

Solar and wind power are not just environmentally friendly; they are also economically beneficial. By harnessing these resources, we can reduce energy bills and create jobs. Clean energy investments attract new businesses and spur technological advancements.

Moreover, renewable energy promotes public health by reducing pollution. Clean air and water are essential for our quality of life. As a father, I want to ensure that my children inherit a world where they can thrive.

Jesse Humphrey, flight attendant


Is there no such thing as quality anymore?

When Supreme Court judges can be bought and sold it’s time for term limits! We the people should be able to vote for our judges. Not presidents choosing them. All other politicians have term limits and we the people vote for them. Why should judges be an exemption? Judges are supposed to be objective and not political. That does not always seem to be the case. Even food has an expiration date. Some people go bad just like food!

Where has our value of ethics gone, our respect of integrity gone and our desire to do what’s right gone? No one should be above the law! Inflation may be higher than we like, but souls seem to be selling cheaply. Let’s remember our hard fought for American values.

How can we face our children and guide them when all we show them is to win at all costs!

Pamela Fauxbel

Green Valley

Friends and family, the political divide

Everyone I know has people in their lives, friends or family, who live in the MAGA world. I am talking about hardcore anti-democracy and religious fanatics who are so brainwashed and so filled with hate and fear that MAGA goals genuinely appeal to them.

Do those friends and relatives know that by voting for Republicans in this day and age they are voting against their own self-interest? That they are voting to gut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security? Veteran’s benefits? Affordable health care? Public schools and children’s services? That they are voting to install a forever President and there will be no future elections?

Please read about Project 2025 for yourself. Know what your friends and relatives are willing to do to all of us, perhaps unwittingly. Then ask them which of these things they are willing to lose themselves and which they cannot afford to.

Tina Whitley

Northeast side

Trump and Musk statements

Re: the Aug. 13 article β€œThe GOP declares war on Planet Earth.”

Bravo Mr. Bryan Lane for not placating any climate fence sitters or deniers. Multiple choice, Who Said This About Climate on Aug. 12, 2024, Trump or Musk?

A. β€œRising Sea levels … will have the benefit of creating more oceanfront property”

B. β€œNo urgent need to cut carbon emissions”

C. β€œI think we have, you know, maybe hundreds of years left. Nobody really knows.”

D. β€œIt’s a disgrace that Joe Biden’s administration did not open up the entire Arctic Wilderness to oil drilling.”

E. β€œFarmers are having to give up their cattle because of climate edicts,”

F. β€œThe thing I don’t understand is that people talk about global warming or they talk about climate change, but they never talk about nuclear warming.”

G. β€œThe only imperative to ditch fossil fuels was that they will one day run dry.”

H. β€œThe main danger of allowing carbon dioxide to build up in the atmosphere was that at some point it will become difficult to breathe causing headaches and nausea.”

ABCDEF Trump. GH Musk

Rick Rappaport

Oro Valley

Coach Brennan doing his job

Re: the Aug. 24 article β€œBear Down? More of a fan engagement letdown.”

You really laid an egg with this article! The happy football fans will come because the team is winning games which is the sole responsibility of Coach Brennan.

The team has been out in the community, even though the players have way more on their plates now with the recent changes being made in college sports. And you want a β€œshowcase scrimmage” close to or right before the opening game? Risking another injury to one or more of our players? The showcase for the fans will not be a letdown. It will be held on Aug. 31 when we play New Mexico.

Brennan’s focus is right on and yours is totally misplaced. How dare you criticize him for doing his job.

Melba Cope

Northwest side

Another rightful claim

Now that Democrats rightfully reclaim:

  • Freedom (e.g. personal health care decisions)
  • Family values (e.g. child tax credits, maternal/child health care, family leave)
  • Patriotism (e.g. peaceful transfer of power)

It’s time to rightfully claim better management of the economy. Deficits are lower under Democrats. Check it out β€” it could surprise you.

Beth Isabelle

Northeast side

Ciscomani and MTG vote together

My Congressman, Juan Ciscomani, consistently votes in lockstep with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (MTG). Is that what we want from our congressman?

Jerry Wilkerson


Suckers and losers

I am a retired LTC. Yesterday, a friend asked what I thought about Trump’s claiming the Presidential Medal of Freedom was superior to the Congressional Medal of Honor. I choked! Frankly, I could think of nothing to say β€” an award given to someone who donated excessively to your campaign vs the Medal of Honor for sacrifice above and beyond. Seriously, such disrespect! Today, he takes that dishonor a step further with his wreath-laying ceremony and thumbs up at the graves of those who died in our leaving Afghanistan! Truly, dis those who gave their all and then stage a photo op at Arlington! I’ll take the word of retired 4-stars. Trump truly thinks those who served were losers and suckers.

Norman Patten


Trump tree

I did not spend $458 for the Arizona Daily Star to post full page ads of a β€œTrump /Maga” Christmas Tree! If you won’t stop supporting these slanted ads, I will have to stop supporting you! i.e. I doubt if Jesus would approve of an adulterous, bullying, lying, traitorous, narcissist themed Christmas tree!

Jane Merrifield-Beecher

North side

Marlon Bateman, left, former U.S. Marine Sgt. Tyler Vargas, former U.S. Marine Cpl. Kelsee Lainhart, center front, and Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump place a hand over their heart Monday after placing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown SoliderΒ at Arlington National CemeteryΒ in Arlington, Va., in honor of the 13 service members killed at Abbey Gate.

Trump’s visit to Arlington Cemetery

What a repulsive hypocrite he is going to Arlington Cemetery to purportedly memorialize soldiers killed in Afghanistan, using it as a campaign photo op. This after he called dead soldiers in Normandy, and Arlington β€œlosers” and β€œsuckers” and criticized McCain as prisoner. Trump’s daddy had a doctor write a letter saying Donald had bone spurs and was therefore not eligible for the draft.

Ann Litsas


Trump as huckster

It amazes me that a so-called billionaire stoops to selling Christmas trees and trucks with his likeness, in full page ads in this newspaper, sneakers, and digital cards depicting him as a superhero. Is there no levels this carny won’t go to in fleecing the rubes? Inconceivable that any other President would resort to such a level. Money can’t buy class and integrity.

Craig Miller

Northwest side

Price gouging

John Bingham states that I believe Bidenomics caused price gouging. He needs to read more carefully. The gist of my letter questions the very existence of price gouging and demonstrates the effect of certain Biden Administrative policies on the price level.

John Buehler

Northwest side

Trump and Arlington Cemetery

How dare Donald Trump use Arlington Cemetery as a backdrop for political purposes after calling troops β€œsuckers and losers”, and never serving in our military. This is the height of hypocrisy!

Daniel Beamer

West side

Campaign advertisement

I have family members interred in Arlington National Cemetery including my father and my mother. My wife and I have visited the cemetery many times, always moved by the solemnity of what is some of the most revered ground in this country.

It is outrageous that Donald Trump decided to violate the norms of a military cemetery and turn a ceremony honoring Americans killed in Afghanistan into a blatant campaign advertisement. After being told that this was hallowed ground and could not be used for personal promotional purposes, he simply ignored that and went ahead with it anyway.

He was reportedly photographed bending over a gravestone, smiling and giving a thumbs-up sign, much like a high school student on a field trip mugging for the camera. Some of Trump’s people even apparently had some sort of physical altercation with a cemetery official who attempted to enforce the rules.

Trump obeys no rules. Nothing that is in his self-interest is going too far.

John Covert

Northeast side

2024 Election

Dear Editor,

Apropos of current 2024 election news, I might have a good idea for the Trump campaign. He’s being sued by many artists who do not want their music to be played at his rallies, most notably Celine Dion, the Foo Fighters, Adele, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young … it’s a long list. But I heard a song recently that, for me, describes his base of supporters perfectly: β€œI’m addicted to you, don’t you know that you’re toxic!” Perhaps Britney Spears will let Trump use it; just a friendly suggestion from the other side, wink, wink!

Anne Lane

Northeast side

Convicted felon voting?

How can Donald Trump, a convicted felon, be able to vote for the presidential candidate Donald Trump, a convicted felon?

Don Benjamin


Biased media

It seems your letters to the editor are always biased towards the left. Why is that so? If you are not posting letters to the editor from both sides. That is not being a true journalist, even if you are just posting letters to the editor. You are controlling what people are reading. It seems similar to what Facebook was doing. Independent voters are getting fed up with it.

Mark Davis

North side

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