Six dead hostages – who killed them?

At the risk of being very unpopular, could we please face reality? 1. Hamas carried out a brutal, murderous attack against Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. 2. Israel finally took a radical step to eradicate Hamas, which, tragically, has led to thousands of dead Palestinians. 3. The terrorists have now demonstrated that they will never agree to any terms for peace. 4. You can never negotiate with the murderers because they will always demand more and will in the end kill their hostages. 5. Hamas has taken the Palestinian population hostage. 6. Israel itself is to be blamed for many wrongdoings, especially by the settlers. 7. Hamas has planned the war against Israel for many years, diverting massive monetary support from the West for the civil population to build its tunnel system. 8. Screaming out against the Israeli government is anti-Semitic and naΓ―ve. 9. The protesters against Israel have blindly accepted the Hamas/Iran narrative. 10. And I agree, President Netanyahu is the worst president Israel has ever had.

Albrecht Classen


Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives in Johnstown, Pa., en route to the Flight 93 Memorial on Wednesday.

Important election issue mostly ignored

Based on media coverage and political ads, one could easily conclude that inflation and immigration are the only issues facing the electorate. These are concerns that are far more easily addressed compared with a critical challenge rarely mentioned during this election cycle ... climate change. Increasing climate uncertainty directly affects economic uncertainty with increased costs and inflation. Immigration is certain as places become unsustainable and people will have to move, which can cause tension within between countries.

Only one party will combat climate change. The other has its head in the sand. Let’s vote for our grandchildren’s future.

Paul Minnis

East side

Will we take a check from Trump?

Re: the Sept. 11 article β€œTrump campaign covers bill in advance for this week’s Tucson stump.”

The Star carried an article stating that the Trump campaign has paid in advance for the cost of renting the hall and security for his Sept. 12 appearance. My question is, how did they pay? I hope it was a cashier’s check or bank transfer or a credit card, and not a personal check!

Holly Finstrom

West side

School boards must put students first

Whether you know it or not, school board races affect everyone, even if you don’t have kids at home. Public schools are the backbone to a strong community. The wrong leaders can drag schools backwards, lowering district ratings and property values.

As a CFSD parent, I support Jacquelyn Davoli, Tom Logue, and Eileen Jackson for Catalina Foothills School District governing board. These candidates will keep our schools focused on students, with an emphasis on academic excellence, social development, and learning beyond the classroom.

We must defeat candidates backed by divisive groups like Moms for Liberty. Their regressive agenda seeks to strategically undervalue specific groups of students, decimate arts programs, and destroy open enrollment.

Davoli, Logue, and Jackson are the obvious choices to protect our schools and community. Let’s keep CFSD a place of excellence for everyone.

Kim Miklofsky Bayne


Do NOT vote Peterson, ACC

Re: the Sept. 10 letter β€œRe-elect Lea Marquez Peterson to the ACC.”

I agree with the letter writer that Ms. Peterson has provided some productive leadership in Tucson, but strongly disagree that she has represented β€œus” and acted to avoid costs and provide affordable rates during her term on the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC).

The facts are that she has repeatedly approved utility actions that increase avoidable costs and captive customer rates, that have provided utilities with record profits.

There are federal funds, provided by ratepayers as taxpayers, available to establish Arizona fixed, lower total cost solar and energy storage facilities that would greatly improve reliability. The commission continues to constrain self-generation by residents, businesses, and governments.

It would be a bad investment to elect Peterson and spend yet another +$500,000 in salary/benefits for four more years of talk, hot air.

Elect new commissioners like Aguilar, Polacheck and Hill who will ACT to modernize ACC rules, to optimize diverse benefits to captive ratepayers while providing economic stimulus.

Terry Finefrock


Fresh topics

In the next two months, Americans will get their fill of political ads.

The letters to the editor run the same old, same old, waa waa waa, bla bla bla about Trump and Harris. How many times do I have to read about, he went bankrupt, he slept with porn stars, Bill slept with whoever, she eats salad, Sleepy Joe, goodbye Joe.

Like mad β€œKarens,” both sides spew and spew and spew.

Fresh topics are what belong in the cherished space of the letters to the editor, not the regurgitated content that appears every day. It is plagiarism, repeating the same content over and over.

These letters can be put online where the β€œKarens” can read what they already know, but for some reason, they need to be reminded of it.

I recall in my Civics class what was called, β€œThe Yellow Press”, where sordid subject matter was published to get the most papers sold. Has the Arizona Daily star become the Arizona Yellow Star?

Ed LeGendre

East side

If you vote this fall

If you vote this fall, please consider that Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and the Democratic Party support facts and truth, freedom to choose reproductive healthcare, freedom from gun violence, freedom to read books, America’s involvement and leadership in world affairs, fiscal policies that benefit the vast majority of Americans, and constitutional representative democracy, including rule of law, separation of powers, independent judiciary, free press, free and fair elections, and peaceful transfer of power. Donald Trump, J.D. Vance and the MAGA Republican Party support conspiracy theories and lies, restrictions on abortion care, book bans, unlimited access to guns, America’s isolation from world affairs, fiscal policies that benefit wealthy people and large corporations, and extreme right-wing authoritarianism. Democrats are the party of unity, hope, optimism, and the future. MAGA Republicans are the party of division, fear, pessimism, grievance, autocracy, and the past.

Paul Marion

Oro Valley

If you see something, say something

Another school shooting. The shooter is a 14-year-old boy with an assault rifle. Another senseless tragedy where American children are again the targets. Maybe now the Republicans will work across the aisle to pass sensible gun laws to protect our children. No chance. They send thoughts and prayers. However, they do suggest that if you see something, you should say something.

Ok, I saw several photos of Republican legislators posing with their assault rifles making a political statement. How about the family photo of Tennessee Republican Andy Ogles? In this photo, the family is standing in front of their Christmas tree. Mom, dad, their young son and daughter are proudly holding their assault rifles. Their younger child is holding up a Christmas card.

Since I saw something, I guess I will say something when I vote in November. If a candidate has an (R) in front of their name, I will not vote for them.

Donna Pierce

Northeast side

Easily manipulated

He is past his prime and ready for retirement.

If a childless cat lady can get him off balanced so easily, try to imagine what a skilled manipulator like Putin or Xi Jinping can do with him.

Some want to argue the moderators were not fair. Are Putin and the other authoritarian leaders gonna play fair so they don’t embarrass him?

Admit it, he is past his expiration date.

He just isn’t the same man he was 8 years ago, just as Biden is no longer at the top of his game, yet Biden is man enough to acknowledge it.

Robert Enyeart

North side

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