Thumbs down to Trump

To see a presidential candidate with a thumbs-up smiling for a photo at a soldierโ€™s gravesite has sickened me. The candidate used Arlington National Cemetery Section 60, which is reserved for fallen veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, for a campaign ad.

Iโ€™ve toured that cemetery, and the experience stays with you forever. The silence is deafening and when people do speak, itโ€™s with muted voices. Itโ€™s a sacred place, and a place of peace and reverence.

Those hallowed grounds are the final resting place for the nationโ€™s heroes, not a backdrop for political campaigns. To see this or any public figure acting as political pawns at Arlington National Cemetery is an embarrassment to our country.

Teresa Jenkins


LD17 election

I remember learning in school that Abe Lincoln said something about โ€œGovernment of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.โ€ The current AZ legislators from LD17 (Rachel Jones, Cory McGarr) are running for re-election using the banner โ€œAZ Freedom Team.โ€ That would make one think they agree with Lincoln. Yet, Rachel Jones introduced a bill (HCR 2055) that would have had the legislature declare the winner of the Presidential election in Arizona before any of us even voted. That is Government of Rachel Jones, by Rachel Jones, for Rachel Jones. Please do not vote for these wannabe dictators.

Rich Schlesinger

Oro Valley

Rep. Cory McGarr, R-Maranaย 

Proposition 138, tip of an iceberg

Legislated laws reflect how the lawmakers value the people affected by their laws. Propositions in the ballots reflect how the sponsors value the people to be affected by the propositions. As a citizen, a physicist and a Christian, I vote with facts and a clear bias for the less privileged, i.e. โ€œthe least of theseโ€ (Matthew 25:40) or โ€œthe poor, the needy and the oppressedโ€ (Psalm 7:24). Proposition 138 on the ballot for November is to make an existing unjust law even more cruel to further minimizing the earnings of wage-earners and eliminate their right for the benefits of tipping. A wage either meets the minimum wage standard or doesnโ€™t. A tip is a gift of appreciation from the customer to the server and has nothing to do with the employer. We must remove all unjust laws and replace them with right-protecting laws by electing honest and compassionate legislators. Vote no on Proposition 138 and vote for honest and caring candidates at every level!

Ke Chiang Hsieh


Helsinki Finland Oodi Library

I would like to suggest that everyone look at the Oodi Library website:

Oodi Library, Helsinki, Finland, is what a central city library could be like. Instead of closing our libraries, especially our downtown library, turn them into spaces for culture and creation. Oodi has rooms for events and even a theater accommodating 250 people. Each floor is used for a different purpose: games and studios, workshops and electronic workstations ... even sewing machines and printing options for your creativity. Cafes are available within the library for refreshments.

Needless to say, one whole floor is dedicated to books.

Tucson may not be able to recreate Oodi, but what a shame to see that beautiful building close!

Nancy Stoler

Northeast side

Empty suit

Re: the Sept. 6 article โ€œCiscomaniโ€™s dangerous double talk on public safety.โ€

This was one of the best heartfelt, researched, and facts-on-the-ground pieces to appear in the Star in quite a long while. I am not surprised Representative Ciscomani had absolutely no response to Ms. Maisch when she questioned him about his extreme right-to-life stance and why it did not include the 100+ a day people killed with firearms. Absolutely no response. Nothing to say.

This man is an empty suit for the Republican Party. As the father of six children, does he ever worry about his own childrenโ€™s safety from gun violence?

Fran McNeely

Northeast side

Itโ€™s a fact of death

The arrogance and cynicism of candidate J.D. Vance to label gun violence and murder in schools a โ€œfact of life ...โ€ is manifestly appalling. It is a fact of life that parents with children in school must daily hope that the childโ€™s school has been spared. If candidate Vanceโ€™s children had been the victims would he continue to adhere to the lunacy that killing children because they attend school is a fact of life? I am certain he would see it as a fact of death โ€” one requiring attention so long rejected by his Republican colleagues.

Kenneth Haber

Northwest side

MAGA needs its pacifier

Everyone knows how a pacifier works. This little tool is marvelous. It relaxes a baby until it screams again. Well, MAGA folks need their pacifier. They are so angry and hateful, wanting revenge and retribution. They scream, and Trumpโ€™s words provide that soothing. He tapped into this need early and got these folks addicted. He tells them that what they feel is right and justifiable, and only he can continue to provide that validation. No pun intended but they are โ€œsucked inโ€. Thatโ€™s why they donโ€™t care about his deficiencies, indictments, amorality or non-adherence to the rule of law. They need him because of the soothing he provides. You should treat him like heโ€™s an addiction. Heโ€™s not good for you, doesnโ€™t care about you, and only cares about himself. All he does is provide that perceived peace and comfort that only a pacifier can without much else. Snap out of it! Go cold turkey like you did with your kidโ€™s pacifier. They got over it.

Debbie Smith

North side

Haitians in Springfield, Ohio

What irks me about hearing about Springfield, Ohio, and Haitians eating peoplesโ€™ pets is: Itโ€™s a lie (started by J.D. Vance, who claims he heard it somehow.) The Haitian population in Springfield is there legally. I watched a CEO of a manufacturing plant who has 30-plus Haitians working for him. He said heโ€™d love 30 more ... they donโ€™t use drugs, they show up on time and work hard. Theyโ€™re the best. Also, a Baptist minister was interviewed and said after losing a lot of parishioners over the years, Haitians are filling up the pews! This was on CBS Sunday Morning, but the episode ended with the story of the Haitian guy responsible for a school bus accident that killed an 11-year-old. Very sad, I agree. But yes, there are a lot of Haitians in Springfield, and like all populations, most are fine people. Iโ€™m sorry whatโ€™s being talked about doesnโ€™t show the positive side, which is much more compelling!

Ginia Desmond


Trump tariffs

In regard to the Sept. debate: Trump holds an advantage in peopleโ€™s perception that he would be the better candidate for making decisions on our economy. Really?? In the debate, he made the statement that his tariffs on China caused China to pay billions of dollars to the U.S. government. But that statement is flat wrong. China paid nothing. Who does pay the tariffs that he levied on Chinese goods? It is American business. Since they are burdened by the increased expense in making a product, they pass that cost on to the consumer. So, in the final analysis, Trump implemented a tax which is paid for by the consumer. Among his many, many, many weaknesses and shortcomings, add economic stupidity to the list.

Michael Mount


Equity vs. equal

In speech after speech Kamala has defined her idea of leveling the playing field.

โ€œIt has to be about a goal of everyone ending up in the same place but since they didnโ€™t start up in the same place some folks need more to be equal, equitable distributionโ€.

In her closing comments in the debate, Kamala said she would provide $50,000 for new startups. She has no thought of helping current business owners who are struggling with inflation and excessive regulations. She doesnโ€™t say it openly, but what it means is reparations. Just as Biden recently gave two billion to Black farmers, she would give these funds to Black people.

This is pure and simple communism. The free enterprise system raises all boats. Some go farther due to intelligence and hard work. The time has passed for giving aid to anyone due to skin color.

Jack Walters

Northeast side

Begging for change

Re: the Sept. 12 letter โ€œMisinterpreted fear.โ€

The letterโ€™s concluding sentence, โ€˜The country begs for changeโ€™ is a common mantra for this political season.

I agree, but for me, change does not mean going back to the past. Rather, change implies moving forward to something new and different. I will be voting for Kamala Harris.

Catherine Lurvey


Ireland, Spain, Norway

Israelโ€™s independent judiciary Israel is obliged to provide captured Hamas terrorists accused of murder, torture, and rape on October 7 with free legal counsel. These terrorists participated in murdering 1,200 people and kidnapped another 251 alive and dead men, women and children, including Americans. However, Israelโ€™s public defenders refuse to represent the killers, and Israelโ€™s democratically-elected parliament wonโ€™t appropriate money for private attorneys.

Why shouldnโ€™t Ireland, Spain, and Norway pay for the legal defense of Hamas terrorists? These three Western countries recently rewarded Hamaโ€™s butchery by unconditionally recognizing an independent Palestinian state, with no negotiations and no regard for the blood on Hamasโ€™ hands, or its stated goals to murder Jews and destroy Israel. Paying to defend Hamas killers would also be consistent with their respective anti-Israel and anti-Semitic histories. What a fabulous opportunity for Ireland, Spain, and Norway to put their money where their mouths are by paying to defend the indefensible.

Mike Zelenak


The debate

Why did you not publish the numerous lies that Kamala made in the debate? I can send them to you if you didnโ€™t understand them.

Kenneth Wolfe


Johnny Rebeck Revised

Apologies to Johnny Rebeck:

There was a little rich boy, his name was Donald Trump.

He had a very weird hairdo and was a real chump.

He made stories up and blamed the migrant sets.

He said they feasted on felines, canines, and all of our best pets.

Oh, Mr. Donald Trump, how could you be so mean?

Now all the neighborsโ€™ cats and dogs will nevermore be seen.

Theyโ€™ll all be eaten up by Trumpโ€™s political machine!

Jerry Helm

Northwest side

Hot dogs


Can any true MAGA family ever again serve hot dogs to their kids?

Randy Ryan

East side

We need strong leaders in AZ

At Tuesdayโ€™s debate, Kamala Harris displayed presidential leadership characteristics with calm, confidence and dignity. On the other side, her debate opponent on Tuesday night harped on the same old lies and megalomaniac claims. Who wants that? We need strong leaders at every level of our government.

Here in Arizona, we also need strong leaders in our state legislature who will get things done. If you live in Legislative District 17, you have two great candidates, John Mclean and Kevin Volk ready to lead Arizona into the future. Both are experienced business owners, understand the value of public services, including education, infrastructure, senior and veteranโ€™s services. Please vote for both men. Letโ€™s build a better future. We can start by voting for competent candidates who are strong leaders with real values.

Bobbi Zimmer


Tribute to a smart LTE contributor

Re: the Sept. 13 letter โ€œSix dead hostages โ€” who killed them?โ€

Itโ€™s been probably 20 years since I went to a lightly-attended lecture at the Himmel Park Library by a local UA professor named Albrecht Classen. Iโ€™ve long forgotten the subject of the lecture that day but vividly remember how impressed I was with his overall knowledge and ability as a communicator. Since that time, Iโ€™ve read many Letters to the Editor on a variety of subjects that heโ€™s had published in this newspaper and each and every one has been on-point, informative and intelligently written. His most recent published submission on the Israel/Hamas situation is a perfect example and is possibly the most succinct and accurate statement Iโ€™ve read on the subject. Hereโ€™s hoping that he continues to occasionally inform us in the โ€œ170 words or lessโ€ limit required for a Letter to the Editor. When Mr. Classen writes, I pay attention!

Louie Levinson


Donald Trumpโ€™s rally in Tucson

Dear Editor:

When Trump said that he would carry out the biggest deportation in history, some people cheered. I believe that he hired those people and brought them with him to cheer. That simply is not who we are! In Tucson, we are all friends. We love and value each other as neighbors and fellow community members. We appreciate our diversity.

Barbara Vaughn

West side

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