MAGA Christmas tree

Once I had to make do with the Sunday paper from Phoenix; I was in withdrawal because I missed the Star so much. It's not a given we have the community treasure of a local newspaper. If the Star can make money providing a platform for Trump to hawk his kitschy Christmas trees, that I personally wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole, hooray! Nobody has to buy one, and the Star isn't saying no house is complete without a MAGA tree. Where is your sense of humor, folks? It's like Billy Bass the jingle bell singing fish of 20 years ago. Dumb. Tasteless. Definitely not my cup of tea, but it never failed to crack my husband up. Let people waste their money if they want to. Meanwhile, it's like the championship sports team invited to the White House, that were fed McDonald's hamburgers instead of a memorable meal worthy of the setting. It all makes me wonder in what esteem Trump regards the American public.

Cindy Hansen


Former President Donald Trump attorneys Emil Bove, left, and Todd Blanche leave the U.S. Federal Courthouse on Thursday in Washington.

Student protesters complicit

With six hostages having been executed, gangster style in Gaza, student protesters shoulder some blame. They proclaim, "we are Hamas," and call for the ethnic cleansing of Jews in Israel. Hamas depends on these students as their fifth column in the U.S., burning the American flag, and distracting us from how Palestinians broke the ceasefire on Oct. 7. Liberal elites make excuses for these dangerous children. Pro-Palestinian folks never decry the evil perpetrated on the Palestinian people by Hamas and don't have a vision for the future that doesn't equate to killing Jews. Being Hamas' mouthpiece, the pro-Palestinian crowd also distracts the media away from the biggest crisis in the world, or as Alex de Waal said in the NY Times (March 2024), "Despite the... situation in Gaza, the current global hot spot of food crisis lies 1,000 miles to the south, near the Red Sea. About 90 million people" are affected. The media and the pro-Palestinian propagandists have sucked the air out of such reporting.

Andrew Katz

Green Valley

The ghastly world of public school education

I was shocked while watching a YouTube video. Donald Trump was going on about the gender reassignment surgeries that are taking place in our schools. I had no idea that children could have their gender surgically reassigned while attending school. And most shocking of all this apparently could happen without their parents’ consent. On the bright side, apparently these surgeries are paid for by the schools, so at least the parents of these children don’t have any out-of-pocket costs!

Gerry Maggiora


Cause of death of pregnant women

I recently learned something (else) that appalls me: the No. 1 cause of death among pregnant women in the U.S. is homicide. Yes, homicide, followed by suicide and drug overdose. And that was when Roe v Wade was in place. Now, with abortions illegal or very difficult to get, how many more pregnant women will be slaughtered or take their own lives?

The quite appropriate public outrage over Dobbs concerns primarily the mother’s health, which is certainly very important, but we are overlooking another very serious problem. I don’t know what the solution is, but I am sure banning abortions will only exacerbate it. I presume those who oppose killing an embryo or fetus are not actually OK with murdering women but rather are just ignorant of this problem. The media needs to give it far more attention.

Bonnie Wehle


Just be kind

Re: the Aug. 28 article "Our longing for joy, hope and unity."

A sincere thank you to Pamela Hale, energy, healer, and life coach, for her uplifting and beautifully written article beginning with the sentence β€œThis is not political.”

I could, no kidding, actually β€œfeel” the love and unity as I read your inspirational words!

Let this be a reminder for all of us to β€œJust Be Kind.”

Mary Ann Conway

East side

No! It does not go too far

Arizona Proposition 139 is being criticized by the Catholic Church and other holier-than-thou people and institutions as going beyond what is needed to protect a woman's rights to choose. They are saying that a close relative and a Medical Doctor must be involved in the decision as to whether or not to terminate the pregnancy. I believe that if the 'close relative' or the Church were previously involved with the pregnant woman, then she would of her own volition, consult them. It is her choice, not her mother's choice or the church's choice or the Repulsive legators choice. A person, any person, has the absolute right to manage their life. To you, Holier-than-thous, please stop your attempts to control other people.

Vincent Allen

Northwest side

They got it right the first time

I have always been a fan of great quotes. Some are historical, iconic and inspirational. They resonate in your mind because of their content. Great quotes that we are all familiar with, for example: One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind β€” Neil Armstrong. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country β€” John F. Kennedy.

Then, there are those quotes that just express what the speaker truly thinks. For example, J.D.Vance, speaking about Trump, "moral disaster," "total fraud," "reprehensible."

Nikki Haley, speaking about Trump during her 2024 presidential campaign, "unstable and unhinged," "unfit to serve," "He is not qualified to be president."

Lindsey Graham on Trump: "Race-baiting xenophobic religious bigot." (2016)

Mitch McConnell, "Donald Trump is politically and morally responsible for the Jan. 6th riot". (Feb. 13, 2021, Senate floor)

They got it right.

Fred DiNoto

Northwest side

Sucker or loser

Veterans voting for Republicans ... are you a sucker, or are you a loser? Pick one or vote blue for the future of the country you so bravely served. And ... thank you for your service!

Eric Watt

Southwest side

Trump and Arlington

To those of you who have expressed disgust about President Trump politicizing Arlington Cemetery, you are cherry-picking your displeasure and you are ignorant about the facts. The Gold Star Families invited Biden, Harris, Walz AND Trump to the ceremony to honor our 13 US troops who lost their lives in the debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal. Trump was the ONLY one who chose to attend. Trump was the ONLY one who met with and spent time with every Gold Star family individually. The media are the ones who turned it into a photo-op.

Linda Schaub

Southeast side

Suitable Trump replacement

Some of my MAGA friends seem to be wavering a bit as to whether or not to support Donald Trump this time out. When they ask me what I think, I reply that I believe I have found a suitable replacement. I tell them I am voting for Harrison Walls.

John Barringer


Economy: Trump vs Harris

How is it possible that so many Americans believe a President Trump would be better for the economy than a President Harris? Trump has declared bankruptcy multiple times and has been convicted of fraud by a jury of his peers. Under Trump, GDP growth averaged 2.67% (and this excludes the effects of COVID). Under Biden/Harris, GDP growth averaged 3.40%.

Trump blames inflation on President Biden…but he can’t explain how Biden’s actions led to 11% inflation in Great Britain or 9% in Germany. Republicans say the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan caused inflation but are careful not to mention the $3.1 trillion Trump gave away to businesses and individuals.

Trump offers no real solution to today’s inflation, instead, he has proposed 10% across the board tariffs on imported goods and materials and a 60% tariff on Chinese imports. Tariffs make things more expensive, not less.

John Prugh


Vote no on Proposition 139

Re: the Sept. 5 article "Arizona List: Protecting reproductive rights."

I respond to Dr. Nichols’s guest opinion as an adoptee who believes I had the fundamental right as a human being created in the image and likeness of an infinitely loving God to have my life protected at every stage of my development. I am forever grateful to my birth mom for saying yes to my life and the laws in place at that time that would not have permitted a different choice. Dr. Nichols’ editorial appeared on the Saint's Day of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who spoke in 1994 to Congress about the utterly dehumanizing effect abortion has on any society that allows it. Social justice that does not extend to human beings in the womb falls grotesquely short, allowing for egregious harm against our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. Please vote No for this proposition that would allow girls younger than 18 to obtain abortions without parental permission, for non-physicians to provide abortions, and for abortions through all nine months of pregnancy.

Dr. Mark Aquilano

East side

Theft of political yard signs

After the Jan. 6 uprising and the Arlington Cemetery political stunt, it should surprise no one to discover that some MAGA members willfully disobey our laws. These offenders have now invaded Oro Valley. They have methodically removed most of the Democratic signs along major roads, such as Rancho Vistoso and Oracle, leaving only Republican signs.

Although it’s unlikely that these lawbreakers read the editorial pages, we post below the penalties for this behavior: it is four months in jail, a $750 fine, and probation.

For the Democrats who must replace the signs, we recommend coating them with honey.

April and John Hoffman

Oro Valley

Political kindness

I believe that Kindness is a fundamental human quality. For me, kindness is characterized by a genuine concern for the well-being of others and a desire to help, support, and uplift those around us. Kindness often begins with empathy β€” the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

I think kindness can manifest through acts of generosity, whether it’s sharing time or emotional support. I believe treating others with respect and dignity is a fundamental aspect of kindness. This includes listening to others, valuing their opinions, and acknowledging their worth.

Kindness involves letting go of grudges and being willing to forgive others who have opinions that differ with one's own. There is no need for personal attacks and name-calling.

Negative election ads will test us all and are a terrible waste of money.

As we approach the upcoming election, I hope that all voters will show some political kindness.

Tom McGorray

Northwest side

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