Kamala Harris and RFK Jr.

Re: the Aug. 23 letter β€œNine years of Trump”

Kamala Harris is an empty suit, totally void of any positive accomplishments in her entire political career. Her tenure as San Francisco District Attorney and California Attorney General resulted in nothing but increased crime in both city and state. Productive people are leaving California by the hundreds of thousands, while thousands of homeless and 2 million undocumented immigrants have moved in. Harris is one of the few people who can rightfully claim, β€œI did that.” Same goes for her vacuous service as senator and vice president.

On Aug. 23, a Star letter writer wrote that Trump supporters are silly and pathetic. Two can play that game. Same day, the son of Bobby Kennedy and nephew of JFK suspended his presidential bid, scorched the Democrat party as undemocratic and backed Trump. Prominent, lifelong Democrats RFK Jr., Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema and Tulsi Gabbard have ditched their party. That speaks volumes.

Steve Sollenberger


Inconvenient facts

During her CNN interview last Thursday, VP Kamala Harris predictably regurgitated a Democrat talking point in response to a question about illegal immigration. She blamed the border crisis on Trump-influenced U.S. House Republicans failing to pass the β€œbipartisan border bill.” This absurd nonsense is easily disproven. Here are the facts: In 2021, Biden’s first year in office, a then-record 1.7 million people illegally crossed the southern border into the US. In 2022, that number ballooned to 2.4 million, and then 2.5 million in 2023. The much-hyped bipartisan border bill failed earlier this year. So, Harris and the Democrats’ preposterous accusation is that the House GOP’s failure to pass that bill in 2024 was responsible for some 7 million illegal entries occurring before that happened.

The US.. Senate also failed to pass that bill, so it had zero chance of becoming law irrespective of what the House did with it.

The dishonesty here is breathtaking.

Jeffrey Woloshin

Oro Valley

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon. (Southern District of Florida/TNS)

Cannon’s dismissal of Trump case

Everyone should sign the online petitions to tell the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to throw out Judge Cannon’s dismissal of Trump’s classified documents case.

Like Trump and his herd of lawyers have always done, Cannon’s anti-law decisions prove over and over again that money and power usually beat the rule of law.

We’ve all watched as Trump tried to steal a free and fair election every which way, including the instigation of deadly violence. We’ve all seen the piles of classified documents he brazenly stole.

And yet, despite the serious judgments that have stuck against him and his co-conspirators for many different crimes, Trump is being treated like a legitimate presidential candidate.

If you or I had done any of these things, we would have been locked up years ago.

Holding Trump and his criminal team accountable according to the rule of law is first and foremost about defending democracy.

Melissa McCormick

East side

Stop Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is ready to β€œfight for everyday Americans”. She has approved this ad. Her process is to go after big businesses which β€œare price gouging.” Those laws are already on the books in the 50 states she wishes to represent. Business 101: No company can consider itself successful unless it recoups its costs and more. β€œMore” is called profit. Business expenses are collected from the business’ customers in the form of product pricing. Every time you hear Kamala tell you she is going to make them pay their β€œfair” share, she is telling you she is going to hide the amount of taxes you pay in the products you buy. Trump lowered prices at the pump and on the shelves. He did it by not hiding those taxes from you (he lowered corporate taxes).

Gregg Gilbert

Southeast side

Water, water everywhere

Terry Tempest Williams, author of numerous books about climate concerns and climate catastrophes, recently published β€œWhen the Flash Flood Comes With Godlike Velocity, Why Do I Stay And Watch?” in the New York Times. In the writing, Williams details the destruction and force that β€œthe roaring water is the wrath of what we have sown.” She notes events in Utah where flash floods have caused significant loss. Included in her examination is at the Four Corners where Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona join, stating the water can be particularly deadly and destructive because of how canyons can funnel water to reach great speeds and depths. She includes many photographs of β€œcarved arroyos” and β€œredistributed sediments.” I, for one, heed her claims and urge Arizonans to learn about this rising struggle. Of course we need water, but at times, excess can be deadly.

Roger Shanley

East side

Multiple choice test question

What do you call a Congressman who votes against an initiative to bring money to his district, then the vote passes by a hair and said Congressman claims credit and boasts about bringing money to his district?

a. a hypocrite

b. dishonest

c. an opportunist

d. all of the above

Margaret Scott


Campaigning on the issues

As much as possible, presidential campaigns should stick to the issues rather than personal attacks. Especially if the candidates involved are honorable.

However, what happens if one is not? What happens if one candidate habitually lies; sabotages representative democracy; is a convicted/unrepentant/non-rehabilitated criminal? (The list goes on).

Then, sad to say, personal integrity and fitness for office becomes foremost.

I’m not talking about occasional embellishments which every politician does. Or, about having a bad day when something uncharacteristically regrettable or embarrassing is uttered or leaked. I’m talking about deeply embedded patterns. Played out over a lifetime. Values, worldviews, behaviors that make a person unfit for any office β€” i.e., dishonesty, disrespect, violence, cowardice.

For Trump, and now even Vance who with greater command of the language is mouthing the same vile insanity, fitness for office is disqualifying issue No. 1. We can’t let such perverse citizens lead our country.

Ron Rude

West side

It takes two

Re: the Sept. 2 letter β€œThe meaning of words.”

To be fair, when I first read this letter I went ballistic.

As a grandmother of granddaughters and a mother once faced with the wrenching decision of either having an abortion to save my own life so that I could raise my existing child, or refuse what my doctors recommended and roll the dice- the absolute ignorant hubris of the letter writer was obvious.

However, we should realize that the meanings of words or phrases associated with procreation should be examined-carefully.

The letter writer takes issue with women choosing the term’s β€˜reproductive rights’ over β€˜birthing a child.’

I take issue with the word β€˜protection’.

As a woman who has heard that word many times, usually queried in breathless, desperate tones β€” I can assure you it is generally- almost always- a male capable of inseminating a female who has uttered this in hopes that the recipient of his sperm provides (what he assumes is her responsibility) protection.

Note to letter writer.

It takes two to procreate.

It takes two!

Karen Papagapitos

Northwest side

Teachers without children

I wonder what J. D. Vance thinks of nuns teaching children. For that matter, what does he think of priest as teachers? Or Monks/Brothers?

Dick Woodward


Curbing lawmaking

I, as well as others, may have been focusing too much on the Republican candidate for President of the United States, and not enough on what is happening here in Arizona. Proposition 134 espoused by Sen. J.D. Mesnard, a Chandler Republican, is asking us to give up some of our rights to make laws. Passing Proposition 134 would require any group circulating initiative petitions to get a certain percentage of the signatures from all 30 legislative districts in Arizona. This is beyond unreasonable. Voting down Proposition 134 will protect our lawmaking powers.

Toni Kane

Oro Valley

Feet feat

Biden voted with his feet, bravely leaving the race.

Vote with your feet, bravely leaving Trump.

Don’t just walk away. Cast your ballot to close the deal on this heel.

Barbara Nagler

Green Valley

Movie theaters and mortuaries

Yesterdays paper had two interesting articles, one about the revival of β€œclassic” movies being currently shown at theaters and the other about the services provided by the funeral industry. The crazy way my mind works made me think of a wonderful movie called Departures. Though I don’t consider many of the movies newer than Lawrence of Arabia classics this film is a touching movie dealing with death. It is captioned so perhaps it forces one to pay more attention. Enjoy!

Jan Foiles

West side

Thank you journalists

Re: the Sept. 1 article β€œβ€˜Trump wall’ section in AZ was built under Bush.”

In Sunday’s Arizona Daily Star, thanks to reporter Emily Bregel, I learned that No. 45 falsely took credit for what no.’s 42 and 43 had completed with the Border Wall. Maybe his lie No. 31,215? I’ve lost count. One of my favorites, Tim Steller keeps unraveling the mysteries and mazes of local governments. Another favorite, Greg Hansen, reminded me Bill Lenoir, a 1960 Tucson High classmate, became an NCAA Head Coach. Journalist Kevin Hardy prompted me that the upcoming state government elections are critical. Weekly Columnist Tom Margenau keeps us all honest with our Social Security. Then thanks to reporter Dominika Heusinkveld, I understand why clay β€œollas will help conserve water in Tucson gardens.” And Julia Frankel, Sam Magdy, and Sam Metz lifted my spirits a little with their article about much-needed vaccinations in Gaza.

Using these few examples I wish to thank β€” a million times over β€” the Arizona Daily Star and reporters, journalists, and photographers, locally and world-wide, that make our lives infinitely more informed and far richer.

Butch Farabee

Oro Valley

Trump disrespects Arlington Cemetery

I am writing to express my deep disgust and disappointment regarding the recent political stunt by Donald Trump, which has shamefully politicized Arlington Cemetery β€” a place of honor and reverence for our nation’s fallen heroes.

As someone whose father is buried in Arlington Cemetery, I find it particularly distressing to see this hallowed ground used as a backdrop for political theater. Arlington is a solemn place where the sacrifices of brave men and women are recognized and respected, not a venue for divisive rhetoric or political posturing.

I urge leaders to remember the importance of preserving the dignity of Arlington Cemetery. It is essential that we keep this sacred place above the fray of politics and ensure it remains a symbol of national unity, sacrifice, and honor.

Michael Searcy


Misplaced blame

It seems that some folks on the right have a very short-term memory. August 26th was the third anniversary of the suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. troops during the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Trump recently used the grave sites of those who were killed for a campaign ad blatantly attempting to blame the Biden administration for causing their deaths.

Let’s remember that it was Trump who negotiated the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. It was Trump who forced the Afghan government to release thousands of jailed Taliban soldiers in a prison swap. It was Trump’s decision that resulted in the Taliban’s rapid return to power.

Lies and more lies are what we hear from Trump, and it will only get worse as we close in on election day. He will stoop to any low to win this election. We cannot become numb to his antics.

Judy J. Gillies


Lack of honor

Re: the Sept. 4 letter β€œTrump’s visit to Arlington.”

The letter writer from Oro Valley expresses outrage that Ms. Harris and President Biden did not attend the tribute to the soldiers who died at the Afghanistan withdrawal. Trump attended and treated it like a β€œphoto op” posing over graves and smiling (like an idiot) for the camera. Who gives a β€œthumbs-up” over graves and sacred ground? There was no honor there, it was only another opportunity for Trump to get his picture in the papers and create a political ad.

Section 60 is sacred and hallowed ground. This man has no morals, no honor and no sense of anyone else but himself. What he did was an outrage, pure and simple.

Jean Getek


Rework campaign sign

In my travels across Tucson, I see numerous political signs on street corners. I peruse them hoping to see something unique. Yesterday, I noted a small sign amongst others that proclaimed, β€œStop the crime wave β€” Vote Republican.” I thought about this one and felt it would be more impactful if it read, β€œStop the crime wave β€” Jail Trump.”

Alan Barreuther


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