I want it my way

Trump’s convinced he can get away with whatever he wants, and if he’s caught doing something illegal, Republicans on the Supreme Court will do whatever it takes to protect him.

Let’s see. A guy whose mother never said no to him has a Republican-dominated Supreme Court doing the same.

What could possibly go wrong if we all operated that way?

Jim Dreis

East side


I am not a big fan of AI. To me, it stands for “Awful Intelligence” most of the time.

Richard Jagodowski



She’s working on affordable housing for all. He’s working on new trading cards you can buy for $99.

Terry Louck

East side

Trump ad

Trump is running ads saying that Harris lies a lot because she says prices are still too high but also praises Bidenomics. First he is the last person on this Earth to accuse anyone of lying, he told over 30 thousand lies in office and is incapable of having a press conference without lying. Secondly, Harris is right on both aspects. Prices are still too high, but inflation is down. Economists predicted that inflation couldn’t be tamed without causing a recession. They were wrong. We’re the only Western country that didn’t have both.

Craig Miller

Northwest side

Lies about Harris

A recent letter accused Harris of sleeping with Willie Brown while he was married.

What the writer either didn’t know or glossed over was that Brown had been separated from his wife for over a decade at that time. As to Trump’s “wild oats”, it didn’t occur 30 or 40 years ago but less than 20 years ago. Cheated on first wife with second, second with third, and third with porn actress and playmate. He’s also a convicted sexual predator who feels he can grab women by the genitalia. Feminists should be outraged by sexist double standard of this writer.

Craig Miller

Northwest side

No. 45’s latest lack of the obvious

Reading numerous LTE’s I read a letter writer that “wants to set the record straight” regarding the predators recent visit to Arlington. He claims that both Biden and Harris were aware that these few Orange followers wanted him there. The letter goes on to state that The Felon did this out of the goodness of his dark heart. He gives “hat’s off” to the felon for showing up. He doesn’t say anything about the illegality of the filming of a political ad on the grounds of Arlington with a “smiling thumbs up” at the grave. I’m sure those Gold Star Families were happy with their 15 minutes of fame, but they seemed to have forgotten that their son was dead. They also didn’t realize it was due to No. 45’s deal he made to get the U.S. out of Afghanistan. They smiled at Trump with a thumbs-up at their son’s grave.

John Bingham

Northwest side

It takes a lot of money to win elections. The 2022 election cycle was the priciest nonpresidential election cycle in history, with spending reaching nearly $9 billion, according to an OpenSecrets analysis. Effective outreach and messaging requires ads, stickers, campaign staff, pens, and more—even for last-minute high-profile switch-ups such as the one the United States is currently facing.

With Biden's decision to step aside, Kamala Harris' campaign has received record-breaking contributions. Her team has raised more than $81 million in the 24 hours since Biden's announcement, according to reporting from The Associated Press. As of August 29, 2024, the Harris and Trump presidential campaigns have netted over $750 million in donations, according to Federal Election Commission data.

But the presidential race is only part of the picture. The real races to watch are the congressional campaigns battling for control of both chambers in November, separated only by a few votes on either side. With margins razor thin, House Democrats only need to net five seats to regain control, while Senate Republicans require just two.

What kind of influence does all that money have? Some members of Congress have higher rates of small donors, those giving $200 or less, but PACs and wealthy donors constitute the greatest percentage of fundraising dollars. High-net-worth individuals accounted for 87% of total donors, and 90% of donations in House and Senate races, according to FEC data analyzed by Windfall.

Windfall took a look at the numbers to show which congressional campaigns are drawing the most donations from wealthy donors during this election cycle. Shown are donations from individuals worth at least $1 million and where they gave to House and Senate candidates, their affiliated committees, or unauthorized committees during the 2024 election cycle. According to the Survey of Consumer Finances, the median net worth of American households is $192,700, meaning the wealthy donors in this analysis are over five-times wealthier than the typical U.S. family.

Data is as of the first quarter of 2024, ending March 31.

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris won zero Democratic primary votes in 2020 and 2024, she’s had very low approval ratings over the past three and a half years and had a high staff turnover; but now she’s the Democratic nominee. Presidential candidates had to enter and win primary votes in order to win their party’s nomination for at least the past 75 years. Even Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon Johnson’s V.P., had to go the primary route in 1968 in order to gain the nomination after Johnson withdrew from the race earlier in the year. What’s so special about Kamala Harris?

Douglas R. Holm

East side

Editorial cartoons one-way bias

Every issue of the Star has two cartoons in the opinion section, usually of a political nature. Over all these weeks leading up to the election, I have yet to see a positive Trump cartoon or a negative Harris one. There is also a definite bias in the news articles, particularly in the choice of the headlines or leaders to the articles.

While I often split my ticket when voting, I am registered as a Republican and would appreciate a more balanced coverage of the news, including what you choose for your editorial coverage. With the polls showing a close race, there must be many readers who would also appreciate more balance. Isn’t fair and balanced coverage of news what reporting should be?

Marianne Fields

Green Valley

School shootings ... Duh

Gee, what could possibly be the root cause of these terrible school shootings that cause such pain and unimaginable grief. Gee, could it be that children have access to deadly weapons at home? Could it be that children spend idle time playing video games where shooting people for fun is glamorized and rewarded with praise and high scores. Has society itself made gun violence acceptable, and has Congress refused to enact necessary changes? Or, could it be that parenting courses are not required before being a parent? And maybe, just maybe, the movie industry encourages gun violence as a means of problem-solving and retribution. Or perhaps the schools are not intervening in bullying in school, or are they simply allowing cyberbullying by allowing cell phones in class?

Carl Foster

Green Valley

Other issues the Democrats support

Raise the Corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. Companies will leave.

Wealth tax on improved value of assets owned but not sold. This would destroy the middle class.

Surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban forced women to be enslaved as they had been before, with no remorse.

Crime rampant in Democrat-run cities and states, with theft not considered a felony if under $900.

Blacks taken for granted without improving their lot with good-paying jobs or decent education for inner-city youth.

Israel saying it has the right to defend itself but not go on the offensive. Holding back urgently needed weapons, forcing it to adhere to the dictates of Biden, Harris.

Illegals provided free transportation, housed in hotels, free food and medical, while millions of Americans live on the streets.

The base of the party today consists of far-left groups like LGBTQ adherents, Muslims, Antifa and BLM.

Jack Walters

Northeast side

Follow these steps to easily submit a letter to the editor or guest opinion to the Arizona Daily Star.

Or else!

To all you Trumpaholics. If you would just stop drinking the ‘do as I say or else’ kool-aid, you might actually see overall that you’ve been idolizing a deranged man. His comments are grammar school variety. Calling names. He’s a school bully, with those around him cheer him on, again, or else.

Don’t forget Vets ... he called you losers!

Nearly all that comes out of his mouth are lies and misinformation. He proves it every time.

Stop drinking the poisoned kool-aid and sober up. Please.

Rick Tolle


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