The following column is the opinion and analysis of the writer:

Feeling good about the recount up there in Maricopa County, I drove my pickup into town. Larry Liberty, 1776 on your AM dial, was talking about the tyranny of Arizona’s rigged election, how it gave us Sleepy-Joe-Stalin-Biden, Barack-Hussein-Obama’s-Hand-Puppet, and how we got to keep fighting β€œthe tyranny of socialism, and the transgenderfication of our children, by supporting the Cyber Ninjas hunting for Chinese bamboo fibers among the ballots with specially trained bamboo-sniffing panda bears.”

They’re so serious they’re wearing lab coats and they even called in the β€œAmazing Kreskin of Apache Junction” to help.

I was riveted!

And then I had to hit the brakes.

A school bus, driving in front of me had stopped, right there, in the middle of traffic and stuck a big old stop sign out the left side and everybody stopped. For the first time in my life, I saw the tyranny of the deep state’s mind control right there plain as day. Why should my right or anyone’s right to drive freely be infringed by some β€œgovernment school” bus coddling their nanny-state socialist day-care minions just so they won’t have to β€œdodge” drivers enjoying the pedal-to-the-metal blessings of freedom and liberty?

Every useful idiot in the herd did what sheep always do. They all stopped and bowed down to the Deep State! Even the ones on the other side of the street!

I was pretty sure those so-called β€œkids” were β€œcrisis actors” who’d just come from rehearsing some phony red flag mass shooting to take away our guns. One flipped me off.

I honked, rolled down my window and hollered, β€œDrive free or die!”

Sitting there fuming, I listened to Larry Liberty talk about the Lamestream Media’s plot to undermine the vote audit up there in Phoenix by insisting on β€œobserving the process.” How can we get to the truth if everyone insists on watching?

Kids kept getting off the bus and I just got madder than Paul Gosar at a diversity workshop. I cranked back my sunroof, stood up and shouted at the cars and trucks around me, β€œThis is tyranny, people! Rise up!”

I honked at the bus again. Still more kids got off. Back when America was great, no one had to stop for anything. Dodging traffic made America great. Not this. Not the tyranny of the nanny state run by the vote cheaters.

I yelled at the kids wearing masks.β€œMasks are tyranny! Free the face!” The liberal stooge in the Prius behind me glared at me like she was Nancy Pelosi herself, shooting her hate-filled laser eyes right through me. A guy in the Mazda next to me threatened to free my nose from my face! One of the brats took a video of me hollering.

Sheep. Suckers. Fools. Our guy won.

I’d spritz bear spray into both my eyeballs for that man. You can’t talk sense to the left. They’re all haters.

The bus driver pulled his fascist stop sign back in, killed the flashing lights and finally freed us from slavery. I honked in celebration, and happy to leave the herd behind, floored it to freedom.

Larry Liberty said the β€œStop the Steal” vote counters in Maricopa County were β€œlooking into the claim by Marjorie Taylor-Greenjeans, a psychic from Safford, that she’d seen Israeli spies printing up exactly 666,000 fake Biden ballots in a vision.” The top auditor said, β€œThe β€˜Uri Geller of Glendale’ is on it, using his powerful mind to detect any matzo flour in the ballots.”

The truth will come out.

For luck I touched my AK-47 and my slightly used β€œBoogaloo Model 1984 Insurrection Pitchfork” on my gun rack. Good things to have if the thought police tried to drag me to some β€œRe-education Concentration Camp” down by the university.

I graduated from good old Trump U with a major in freedom and I’m smart enough to know that our Cyber-Samurai-Bamboo-Sniffers are searching for the truth using every technology available, including panda bear robots and the finest Ouija boards, and sure as Liz Cheney’s a traitor they’ll find the proof we knew was there all along, that Donald Trump is still our president.

That man taught me to see the tyranny everywhere.

Like what I saw later on, up the road a ways. That was the first time I’d ever seen a stop sign for what it was: a faceless oppressive dictator infringing my right to move about freely. And they’re on every corner! How much tyranny can a free people endure? When will the truth come out of Maricopa County and set us free?

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David Fitzsimmons: