
There’s a lot of neon and a 1957 Chevrolet just outside Little Anthony’s Diner, 7010 E Broadway.

Little Anthony's Diner is offering free, one-scoop ice cream sundaes on days where the temperatures reach 105 or higher. 

According to the National Weather Service website, that is every day through next Monday (at least). 

The restaurant's only stipulation, according to its Facebook page, is that you have to mention the Facebook post. 

It also has a "one sundae per person, per day" disclaimer. 

The offer is available all day, during normal business hours. You do not have to wait until the temperature actually hits 105. 

Little Anthony's is at 7010 E. Broadway, on the southwest corner of Broadway and South Kolb Road. 

For more information, call 296-0456.


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