The UA's Dodge the Dumpster program keeps students from throwing away stuff they don't want when they move out of their dorms. Instead it gets sold at a rummage sale or donated to local organizations. 

To keep students from dumping perfectly good appliances, laundry detergent or canned food on their way out of Tucson, the University of Arizona's Sustainable Move-Out Program literally puts someone between the student and the dumpster. 

Last year, the UA's Dodge the Dumpster program saved 85,850 pounds of goods from the landfill. Those recovered nonperishables, hygiene supplies and furniture then get donated to university programs and area nonprofits or sold to the public at the Wildcat Welcome Rummage Sale (on Aug. 4 this year). 

"Last year, we probably sold five or six TVs," said Jill Burchell, the senior coordinator of sustainability operations and initiatives for the UA's Housing and Residential Life. "People donate TVs, printers, fridges that aren't so mini. That kind of stuff." 

Along with collecting goods at 15 UA residence halls this year, the program is also going off campus to give students in the Jefferson Park and Feldman's neighborhoods a bulk pick-up option for items such as couches or desks, Burchell said. The program spans May 3-13. 

Last year, the program sold 4,223 items during its annual rummage sale — profits that go right back into the program — and donated 20,591 pounds of goods. The program is supported by a grant from the UA Green Fund. 

The UA's Student Green Team and Offices of Housing and Residence Life, Sustainability and Procurement and Contracting Services make this happen. 

"We collect half-used cleaning supplies or toiletries, things that you wouldn't be able to resell..."Burchell said. By working with local organizations who can make use of the items, they stay "out of the landfill."

Although it's too early to predict how much they'll collect this year, last year's track record of turning student trash into treasure is pretty good. Burchell thinks they'll work with a number of the same organizations this year. 

 Last year, Dodge the Dumpster donated: 

• 81 pounds of toiletries to the UA Women's Resource Center

• 60 pounds of clothing to the UA ASUA Students for Sustainability

• 55 pounds of kitchen supplies to the UA African American Student Affairs Office

• 120 pounds of books and study aids to the UA Think Tank

• 3,840 pounds of food, toiletries to the UA Campus Pantry

• 650 pounds of furniture and rugs to Salvation Army

• 4,400 pounds of clothing, bedding and home goods to Big Brothers Big Sisters Tucson

• 1,084 pounds of toiletries to Sister Jose Women's Center

• 4,608 pounds of food to Vineyard City Church's food pantry

• 584 pounds of cleaning supplies to the Department of Veterans Affairs

• 109 towels to the Humane Society of Southern Arizona

• 5,000 pounds of mattress pads to Sistema Nacional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia, an organization in Mexico that turns them into beds. 

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