Tucson Police were out in force Saturday night administering volunteer breathalyzers to patrons along East Congress Street. The idea is to show them how even a drink or two could impair their ability to drive.

Officer William Honomichl and 14 other Tucson officers were along East Congress Street and North Fourth Avenue with operation Do You Know Your Limit. We caught up with Honomichl outside The Playground where a handful of bar patrons voluntarily submitted to the breathalyzers. While most clocked in blood alcohol levels below the legal limits of intoxication β€” 0.08 percent β€” Honomichl said there were a few readings from people who were legally drunk. Among the highest was one patron whose level was 0.225.

Dana Lundquist blew a level well below the legal limit, but Honomichl warned him that even though he was not legally impaired, he should be aware of how even a small amount of alcohol could affect his driving.

Police picked this weekend for the program because of the University of Arizona graduation. Honomichl said they will continue the program this weekend, as well.

Cathalena Burch, Arizona Daily Star