Gorgeous lighting and scenery make A Mountain a great location for engagement or wedding photos. 

Now that you're engaged (congrats, btw), it's time to think about engagement photos. 

When you start calling photographers, it's nice to have a few spots in mind, especially if there's a specific place that's meaningful to you. Make sure to let your photographer suggest his or her fave spots, too. 

We spoke to Chris Richards, a well known Tucson wedding photographer, and got his input on some of his favorite spots.

P.S. Make sure and check out our wedding guide to find your perfect photographer, DJ, venue and all the things you need to plan your big day. 

Windy Point

Windy point is classic, with great views, but can be crowded β€” and be careful of the edge! 

Note: This spot is about 14 miles up Mount Lemmon Highway. You'll know you're there when you see lots of rocks, parking and bathrooms. 

We could almost see our house from here. 

University of Arizona campus

The UA campus is lovely and has special significance for a lot of people β€” Old Main is even fairly quiet now that the students are on break.

These are basically free UA classes without the homework. 


Downtown has a funky vibe and a bunch of murals. I’d avoid it at rush hour though, as the traffic backs up and makes for an audience to your photo session.

Rachel Slick, Tim Schirack, and Alexandra Gjurasic painted the new mural on the Cafe 54 building at 54 E. Pennington Street. The eight new murals in downtown Tucson are part of the City of Tucson Mural Program, in conjunction with Tucson Arts Brigade. The wall is 18-feet high and 50-feet wide, but β€œit felt longer than that,” says Gjurasic with a laugh. The biggest challenge was the texture of the wall on the building. β€œIt has a thick adobe texture and it chewed through brushes and it ate paint,” she said. More of the artists’ works at: rachelslicksculpture.homestead.com, alexandraGjurasic.com and timothyschirack.homestead.com.

Barrio Viejo and A Mountain

Barrio Viejo is also a classic spot with the colorful adobe doorways, but it lacks a good view of sunset, so go earlier and then head up to A mountain for the sunset there. The stone gazebo is amazing if you can get it to yourself.

Note: Barrio Viejo is the neighborhood framed by I-10, Cushing Street, South Sixth Avenue and West 18th Street.

A colorful Barrio Viejo scene on Convent Ave. between W. Kennedy St. and W. 17th St. Photo taken Wednesday, May 21, 2014. Photo by Ron Medvescek / Arizona Daily Star.

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Angela Pittenger | This Is Tucson