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If you like rock gardens, perhaps you've heard of crevice gardens. They're a great way to add visual interest to your garden and increase the …

Native plants are underutilized in our gardens in the Sonoran Desert. Many nurseries sell plants from Mediterranean climates or from deserts i…

Cosmos flowers are native to Mexico, and one species is nativ eto Arizona. These beautiful annual wildflowers are great for our native wildlife.

Do you prefer a live Christmas tree that is plantable? Here are a few varieties of pine trees that can be planted in Tucson's climate.

The desert willow is a small tree native to the Sonoran desert, a great choice for Tucson gardens. It has non-invasive roots, beautiful flower…

Sonoran desert pollinators such as hummingbirds, native bees, bumblebees, and butterflies can benefit from residential pollinator gardens. Thi…