In Trump's deportation promises, I have yet to read (1) An explanation of exactly how "illegal criminal" is defined -- are traffic court conviction for speeding, no insurance, running a red light, enough? (2) among his targets are "drug dealers and human traffickers." Are these people arrested but not yet indicted? Indicted but not convicted? (3) How many who are serving state prison sentences with an ICE detainer are getting a release and free ride home? Does the public really want them going home to rejoin a cartel? (4) Most importantly, there has to be a country willing to take them. The Mariel boat people from Cuba couldn't be sent back and they languished in federal prisons for years. (5) Do the taxpayers really want to warehouse non-deportables as federal prisoners, formerly held in state prisons paid for by those states? (5) How many state felony inmates with ICE detainers are there? Does Trump know or even care?
Sally Wasielewski
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Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.