Melissa Callahan and her son, Jack at Small Marvels.

Melissa Callahan always dreamed of opening a preschool.

So, a year after quitting her job as an arts integration specialist for Tucson Unified School District, the 35-year-old mother of three turned that dream into reality.

She calls it Small Marvels and the midtown space isn't your typical preschool. 

It's an arts-integrated school with a structured curriculum that she built from the ground up using the knowledge both she and her husband, Jeremy Thompson, gained from working as teachers. 

"So basically, we're a full-time school for kids ages 3-5 and what's different about us is we use the arts to reinforce school readiness concepts, academic curriculum and social and emotional growth," Callahan said. "The structure of the day includes opportunities for music, visual art, free play β€” which is a really important component of early-childhood development."

Hardwood floors were discovered underneath old carpet of the building, which was run as other preschools for about 30 years. 

You can tell Callahan is an artist when you walk in. Brightly colored furniture and art, along with natural sunlight and hardwood floors create spaces to spark the imagination.  

"We created this whole space with an aesthetic mindset," Callahan said. "We want them to see bright colors and we want them to have lots of natural light and different materials to touch, not just plastic toys and have access to art supplies and musical instruments."

In her research, Callahan found that a third of a child's day should be dedicated to free play. So, she created a special area dedicated to it.

The free play area is fun and cozy with rugs, a circus tent and different play stations such as a kitchen and train set. 

The space has different centers β€” a kitchen, a train set, wooden sensory toys, early childhood games and spaces where they can curl up to read a book. 

"Our main goal is to get kids ready for elementary school," Callahan said. "To give them that head start in these early impressionable years when they're developing their identities and learning new things like the little sponges that they are."

Small Marvels is decked out with bright colors and aesthetically pleasing decor to inspire children and give them a creative atmosphere.

The school also has a music room and outdoor covered play area. 

It will provide healthy lunches and snacks to students, so the kitchen has been particularly important to Callahan. She has outfitted it with new appliances and dishes and has started planning meals and obtaining the necessary licensing through the city and county. She is working with Tucson Village Farm to get a gardening program going. 

And she has a nutritionist on board who wants to offer nutrition programs for the kids. 

"I'm making healthy meals," Callahan said. "I'm not using any foods with high fructose corn syrup, a lot of sugar or artificial colors or flavors. I want to expose kids to foods they might not get at home...I want to get kids excited about food and developing healthy relationships with food because I definitely as a parent would want to send my kids where they were getting healthy food every day."

Callahan repainted inside and outside of the building her new school is in. 

Tuition and enrollment

Tuition is $650 a month and school follows the TUSD calendar for days off and holidays. It includes lunch and two snacks. 

The school also offers a before- and after-care program for its students as well as any other elementary student that needs it. Before-care, from 7:30-8:45 a.m. Monday-Friday, costs $140 per month and after-care, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday costs $160 a month. 

Families interested in enrolling their children at Small Marvels can contact Callahan through the website's Contact Us page. 

Everyone is required to take a tour to make sure it's a good fit for their family. There is an $85 registration fee which includes a t-shirt, sleep mat, sippy cup and art supplies. 

Melissa Callahan and her son, Jack at Small Marvels.

School details

What: Small Marvels 

Where: 1403 E. Broadway

Contact: 440-3527

Small Marvels has set up a gofundme to help with final expenses. Callahan has used her life savings to set up the school rather than using credit or taking out loans.

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Angela Pittenger | This Is Tucson