Rabbi Ephraim Zimmerman reaches to install electric candle to a 9-foot-tall menorah.

To celebrate the beginning of Hanukkah this evening, rabbis from Chabad Tucson lit a 13-foot-tall menorah in El Presidio Park downtown. 

The eight-day festival of lights began the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 12 and will end the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 20. 

To fill the holiday with fried goodies and giant menorahs, read on. 

Here are 5 kid-friendly Hanukkah celebrations. 

Community Chanukah Party

What: This party by Chabad Oro Valley sounds pretty epic: A LED light and fire-juggling show, 9-foot-tall menorah lighting and a gelt drop. Firefighters from the Golder Ranch Fire District will ascend their ladders and rain gelt — chocolate coins — down on those waiting below. 

When: 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14. 

Where: Oro Valley Public Library, 1305 W. Naranja Drive

Cost: Free. 

More info: Visit jewishorovalley.com.

LED light show. 9-foot-talle menorah. Gelt showers. 

Hanukkah Celebration at Our Play Place

What: Munch on Hanukkah treats (including jelly donuts) and make crafts with your kiddos at the new indoor play place on the northwest side. Sounds like a pretty good reason to check out the space, if you haven't already. 

When: 4-5:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 15. 

Where: Our Play Place, 3951 W. Costco Drive

Cost: $15 per kid. Get tickets here

More info: Visit ourplayplace.com or call 219-0535. 

Check out this new northwest side indoor play place and do some Hanukkah crafts. 

Grand Chanukah Bowl

What: Slip into some bowling shoes and tuck in for a kosher lunch with latkes and donuts. Expect gelt, games and songs at this Chabad Tucson event. 

When: Noon-3 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 17. 

Where: Tucson Bowl, 7020 E. 21st St. 

Cost: $15 in advance. $20 at the door. Buy tickets here

More info: Visit chabadtucson.com

Bowl, sing, play games and snack on Hanukkah goodies such as donuts and latkes. 

The Greatest Hanukkah on Earth!

What: You can watch the lighting of the giant menorah at Temple Emanu-El every night of Hanukkah at 5:30 p.m. On Sunday, the temple will host a Hanukkah extravaganza, complete with dance and drama. A brisket dinner will follow. The menorah will be lit 4:30 p.m. the night of The Greatest Hanukkah on Earth! XIX We Are the Light celebration.

When: 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17 for the Greatest Hanukkah on Earth!

Where: Temple Emanu-El, 225 N. Country Club Road

Cost: The performance and menorah lighting are free. The dinner costs $30 for members and $35 for non-members and $9 for kids ages 4-12. Younger kids are free. You must make reservations for the dinner by calling the temple. 

More info: Visit tetucson.org or call 327-4501.

8 Nights, 8 Lights Hanukkah Party 

What: Wear all white to glow in the dark. The evening includes a glow stick performance, latkes and donuts, songs by Congregation Anshei Israel's youth and adult choirs and dreidel games. 

When: 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19. 

Where: Congregation Anshei Israel, 5550 E. Fifth Street 

Cost: $13 per person. Buy tickets here

More info: Visit caiaz.org or call 745-5550

A glow-in-the-dark performance. 

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