If you want to feel good and sensual in your own skin, albeit slightly uncoordinated, you should try belly dancing.
We (Angela and Alicia) went to a class for beginners and had a blast trying to learn how to flutter and roll our bellies.
It really works your core muscles in a way that makes you think you're just having fun. Yeah, we can definitely see our six packs coming in.

Alicia Vega and Angela Pittenger at Belly Dance Tucson.
Some background
• Angela is a fairly active 42-year-old mama. She hits the gym at least three times a week where she runs on the treadmill, lifts weights and takes classes. She has most recently fallen in love with yoga and Zumba and enjoys the post-workout zen she feels after a good sweat session.
• Alicia is a somewhat active 22-year-old. She does her recommended 30-minute elliptical workouts three times a week. She loves workouts that will make her sweat a lot and butt workouts.
On the studio
Angela: The outside of the building is beautiful. It's an old building with gorgeous embellishments.
The inside was pretty, too. The only thing I didn't love was that the dance studio is also kind of in a walkway of sorts. So, people can walk through on their way to one of the offices housed there.

Isn't it pretty?
Alicia: I got a good look at the exterior while I was waiting for Angela. It's so beautiful and even more beautiful when the sun was setting.
We went inside and had a hard time finding the studio because I led the way. It's easy. As soon as you walk in, head to the back of the lobby and follow the stair case up and boom! You're there.
On the class
Angela: Oh gosh. Where to start. I was so hyped after class. And, on my way home, I was totally rolling my belly to some old school hip-hop playing on the radio. Not sure why I couldn't master that move in class.
It was so fun. The instructor we had was really nice and didn't make you feel like an idiot when you couldn't pop your chest properly. Not saying I had that problem, but if I did, I wouldn't have been self conscious. (I'm totally lying. She had to help me)
She really explained how to do things in a way that made sense and we started out super slow so those of us who were new could follow along easily.
Did you know that they get all of that amazing hip movement by squeezing their glutes on the side they're trying to pop? I didn't. And it makes all the difference!
Alicia: Angela really loved it obvi. I, however, thought it was alright. I was looking for something a little more intense to make me feel okay for eating Taco Bell for dinner. I was so bloated.
The class was split up into three parts: warm up, intro to belly dance moves and bringing it all together with a combination. I struggled with the hip stuff, the torso stuff, the belly rolls, the hands stuff, which was the whole class basically.
I tried to channel my inner Shakira but it didn't happen. Sorry, Shakira, my hips lied. I blame being bloated and not having any ab muscles.
Would you go again?
Angela: Heck yes! This is one of those type of classes you can go to no matter what body type you have, and feel great about what you're doing. You feel kinda sexy. And sucking in your belly, like we've all been trained to do our whole lives, will actually mess up some of the moves. So, you can let it all hang out!
Alicia: I'm going when I'm not so bloated. I will get this. I will play Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie" and hypnotize you with my hips. You as in me. Me in my room in front of the mirror. I will belly roll even if it kills me.
Class details
What: Beginner Belly Dance
When: Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Second floor of The Historic Y building, 738 N. Fifth Ave. Suite 215
Cost: $12 for a single class or get your first class free by liking Belly Dance Tucson on Facebook.