We had the whole studio to ourselves.

We don't know about you, but for us, it's workout season.

So, we (Angela and Alicia, hey! πŸ‘‹ ) decided to get back into trying new fitness classes and telling you all about them. New year, new us.

We'll be your workout bffs, giving you the full scoop on random classes and newest Tucson fitness crazes. 

This time we headed over to Movement Culture, a dance and fitness studio near Fourth Avenue, and took the Ballroom Bootcamp class. 

Let's be clear. Neither of us are dancers, nor have we taken dance class. Ever.

In fact, we kinda look like this:

But, that's ok. The class is designed to teach the basics. More experienced dancers use the class to practice their foundation skills, said Yolanda Corrales, dance instructor.

Also, you don't need a partner. It's a solo class. 

Some background

Before we made fools of ourselves.

Angela is a fairly active 42-year-old mama. She hits the gym at least three times a week where she runs on the treadmill, lifts weights and takes classes. She has most recently fallen in love with yoga and Zumba and enjoys the post-workout zen she feels after a good sweat session.

Alicia is a somewhat active 22-year-old. She does her recommended 30-minute elliptical workouts three times a week. She loves workouts that will make her sweat a lot and butt workouts.

Movement Culture on 435 E. Ninth Street offers classes like Ballroom Bootcamp, samba, yoga and more.

On the studio

Angela: It's beautiful, with smooth wood floors, mirrors and lots of space. Plus, it's in a fun neighborhood, so if you wanna have lunch or a drink afterward, you can walk there.

Alicia: The outside is beautiful, it's inviting. I loved being able to walk there from our office, it was the perfect lunchtime activity. The inside was everything you want it to be when taking a dance class. There was enough room to do floor work and a large mirror. 

On the class

Angela: I loved it. We got to learn some basic steps for four dances: Rumba, Salsa, Waltz and Chacha.

I am really uncoordinated, especially when it comes to Salsa dancing (you should see me in Zumba), but the instructor was super patient and I never felt dumb or out of place. It was just Alicia and I at this class, which was kind of nice since it was our first time there. 

It's not high impact like Zumba, but you still get the benefits. I worked up a little sweat and my muscles were definitely working. Bonus: You don't get too sweaty, so it's a good lunch time workout.

Plus, it was fun. Working out should be fun. I especially enjoyed the Waltz and the Chacha. 

Alicia: It was so fun! This class was everything a beginner's class should be, which is good because I am such a beginner.

Yolanda was awesome. She took the time to show us the steps and slowed down when we weren't getting it. I was struggling with the waltz, making it my least favorite, but the other dances were super fun and easy to dance along to after trying it a few times.

This was a techniques class so there was no crazy jumping up and down or sweating everywhere. We worked on getting the steps and hip movements right. The tiny movements really worked my butt and calves. I'm sore. 

Would you go again?

Angela: Absolutely. Great workout and I learned stuff. Win-win.

Alicia: Oh, definitely! The better I get at dancing, the more impressive I'll be at the bars and clubs. 

Class details

What: Ballroom Bootcamp

Where: Movement Culture, 435 E. Ninth Street

When: Noon Monday and Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays and 4 p.m. Friday

Cost: $10


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