Hollie Colahan, left, and Benjamin Sullivan 

Desert Museum executive director to start in January

A new executive director has been named for the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.

Hollie Colahan will come on board in January, bringing more than 25 years of experience in zoo management, conservation and animal wellbeing.

Most recently, Colahan served as deputy director and vice president of living collections at the Birmingham Zoo. She has previously held senior leadership roles at the Denver Zoo.

Sullivan associates with Coldwell Banker Realty

Benjamin Sullivan has associated with the Tucson-Foothills office of Coldwell Banker Realty as an affiliate agent.

Sullivan has been licensed for 20 years, first in Texas, then California and now Arizona. He also owned a Texas restaurant and a hotel.

Emotional intelligence, or EI, is one of the most prized skills to have in any profession right now.

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