Whether you're new to Tucson or have lived here for a while, learning more about this city we call home makes all of us more rooted desert-dwellers.
That's why we created the #HowToTucson newsletter course — to introduce you to the weather, food, outdoors and culture of our city, plus what you can expect from local schools and civic life.

During eight newsletters sent every-other-morning, you'll learn the basics from local experts.
Examples of what you'll learn include:
• Why the Sonoran Desert is the lushest desert on the planet.
• How Tucson's food scene received international acclaim from UNESCO.
• Which big Tucson events you need to mark on your calendars.
• And how our median wages, housing affordability and cost of living compare to other peer cities.
You will have fantastic talking points for your next group Zoom. Plus, we will give you links for further exploration at the end of each newsletter and heartily congratulate you when you finish the course and become a Tucson expert in your own right.
If you're ready to learn #HowToTucson, sign up here. Or sign up those friends you're trying to convince to move here 😉