Share your phone number with Tucson Parks and Recreation, and Santa will give your children a call. 

Tucson Parks and Recreation has a pretty magical holiday partner β€” Santa Claus himself. 

As per tradition, your kids can get a phone call from Santa straight from the North Pole through the department's "Santa's Calling" program. You just have to fill out some paperwork so Santa can have a personal conversation with your kiddos. 

Tucson Parks and Rec will patch the big man through from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 5 and Wednesday, Dec. 6 β€” make sure you're by the phone those evenings! The North Pole may add a bonus night on Thursday, Dec. 7 if there are enough requests to fill up three nights. 

To make this magical moment happen, you need to fill out this form and have it postmarked or emailed by Thursday, Nov. 30. Send your snail mail to Santa's Calling 2017, ATTN: "Migs McJingles the Elf" at 1575 E. 36th St. Email

If the North Pole receives the request after deadline or you happen to miss the call, your kids will receive a letter from Santa instead. 

Your child's personal information is confidential, but the form will help Santa connect with your kids about hobbies, friends, pets and expected gifts. You also have a chance to have Santa give your kids reminders to brush their teeth or do their homework. You get the picture. 

For more information, email or call 837-8129. Visit to get the form.

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