A number of women stand in front of ballet barres and mirrors during a class at the Barre3 studio located at La Encantada, 2905 E Skyline Drive. Although not on this list, Barre3 is another fun (but hard) workout that will make getting fit enjoyable. 

If your wedding to-do list includes some fitness goals, we got you. 

For the last year or so, my coworker Angela Pittenger and I have been sampling local fitness classes and telling you about them. Some leave us hobbling in pain the next day, some seem just a tad too easy and others are juuuust right. 

Because wedding planning is stressful enough without also scheduling a run if you hate running 🙋... we wanted to give you some workout options that you'll actually enjoy. 

These are worth doing whatever your relationship status. 

Here are three of our favorites. 

1. Dance Mixx Jazzercise 

Don't laugh. Angela and I ADORED jazzercise. We went in expecting leg warmers, pastel leotards and jazz hands. Instead, we got an hourlong fusion of hip-hop dance, kickboxing, weight lifting and Pilates moves, all of it choreographed to top-40 dance music. Your heart rate will spike and your muscles will burn. Plus, there are plenty of variations for people of all fitness levels. One woman in our class was even dancing in her wheelchair. 

What: Dance Mixx Jazzercise

When: 5:30 a.m. Monday-Friday; 4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday. Check the schedule for additional times. 

Where: Jazzercise Tucson Central Fitness Center, 504 E. Fort Lowell Street. 

Cost: $15 for one class or you can buy 10 classes for $120. 

More info: Go here.

2. Booty Barre

This class at Glo Fitness Studio makes you feel graceful, even if (like me) that's not how you'd usually describe yourself. The Green Valley studio is bright and airy. You cycle through mostly low-impact squats, pliés and relevés that, when you do enough of them (and you will), make your muscles shake. Because barre classes fuse movements from ballet, yoga and pilates, you hone your balance and tone your muscles. This class also offered plenty of modifications, so no excuses. 

What: Booty Barre

When: 9 a.m. Fridays; 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays

Where: Glo Fitness Studio, 130 W. Duval Mine Road #110

Cost: Drop-in is $10. A 10-class punch card is $80. Find more specials here. 

More info: Visit glofitnessstudio.com

Spin + Strength

This class at Let's Sweat splits your time nicely between cycling and strength training — which means when your legs begin to scream while pedaling, you at least know you're not stuck on a bike for a full hour. When we took the class, we used hand weights, TRX equipment and good ole' fashioned body weight for the strength training portion. The studio is in the downtown-area Warehouse Arts District and has a huge wall of windows. You'll probably be a wobbly mess when this is all over, but the class camaraderie and the post-workout buzz make it all worth it. 

What: Spin + Strength 

When: 6 a.m. Monday-Friday; 5:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday; plus lots of other options. See the full class schedule here

Where: Let's Sweat Tucson, 439, N. Sixth Ave.

Cost: $15 per class; $125 for 10 classes. 

More info: Visit letssweattucson.com


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